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  1. Citi Mobile流動理財手機程式的Face ID/指紋登入之登記有效期有多長?. 基於保安理由,Citi Mobile ® App 的Face ID/指紋登入之登記有效期為90天。. 若您於90天內未有手動輸入密碼登入Citi Mobile ® App ,Citi Mobile ® App 的Face ID/指紋登入將自動關閉。. 如須重新啟動Face ID ...

  2. Citi Pay with Points隆重登陸自由鳥. %body% 無論您想上台開新號碼,定係完約攜號轉台,一App搞掂嘅自由鳥絕對係您嘅精明選擇! 識揀嘅您,揀啱心水計劃之後,梗識用埋Citi Pay with Points憑分抵銷月費簽賬,積分當錢使,感覺太爽鳥! 只需簡單3步驟,即可體驗Pay with Points憑分消費! 憑指定Citi信用卡簽賬後立即體驗Pay with Points憑分消費. 進行身份驗證. 選擇您想兌換的金額,立即兌換,憑分抵銷簽賬! 1. 2. 3. 未成為Birdie用戶? 立即上台啦! 提提您. Shopping完想睇返信用卡簽賬紀錄? 件衫退咗貨想知啲錢refund返未?

  3. Contact our Investment Service Hotline at (852) 2860 0222 or visit any Citibank branch. Apply now. HIGHLIGHTS. FEATURES. Allowing diversification through participation in the performance of different assets or markets. Flexible in structure and can be tailored to play out with your investment strategies.

  4. 好戲連場上映,著數連環不停! 依家憑Citi信用卡喺超過50間戲院網購戲飛,可享 8折 優惠,用埋獨家嘅 Citi Pay with Points,睇戲隨時唔使畀錢,依家憑指定Citi信用卡更可享兌換優惠!提提您 Shopping完想睇返信用卡簽賬紀錄? 唔洗等月尾statement喇,登入Citi ...

  5. Citi PayAll. With Citi PayAll, you can settle daily expenses like rent, utilities and telephone bills and earn credit card points/ rebate with just a few taps! Citi PayAll lets you enjoy better cash flow with up to 58 days pay back period. By setting up recurring payments, you don’t need to worry about late payments again.

  6. What is Portfolio Finance 1? Portfolio Finance enables you to borrow at a competitive rate 2 against a broad range of financial assets as collaterals, including deposits, equities, bonds, mutual funds and structured products.

  7. 主頁. 信用卡. 最新信用卡優惠. 用Citi積分兌換The Point積分 於指定新地商場當錢使! %body% 儲埋啲Citi積分點用至夠抵? 仲使諗,梗係用嚟兌換The Point積分! 除咗可以換成 Point Dollar, 喺The Point 25個新地商場1吃喝購物當錢使之餘,更可以用嚟換其他心禮品! 簡單幾步將Citi積分兌換成The Point積分. 登入 The Point 應用程式於 The Point 主頁進入「積分轉換」 輸入您的 Citi 信用卡2最後 4 位數字進行一次性身份驗證3,4. 選擇您想兌換的 The Point 積分. 兌換成功後,您會收到即時確認通知並可以立即使用 The Point 積分換領獎賞. 1. 2. 3. 4.

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