雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 現時每張賬單的最低收費為港幣40元根據2021年的中電電價調整每張賬單最低收費設為港幣 40元,適用於: 住宅用電價目 用戶. 非住宅用電價目 用戶. 最低收費用以支付供電服務的最低行政開支。 因此,即使你的賬戶沒有錄得用電量,你仍須繳付最低收費。 以上資料對你有幫助嗎? 本網站使用cookies讓我們了解訪客如何與網站互動,優化瀏覽體驗。 繼續使用本網站表示你接受我們 cookies 的使用。 意見. 每張住宅用電價目和非住宅用電價目賬單都設有最低收費。 現時每張賬單的最低收費為港幣40元。

  2. 以下是常用的表格。你也可以直接網上辦理申請服務。如果你想親自申請,可以到訪我們的客戶服務中心。 網上申請 你可以直接網上辦理申請以下服務,更省時方便: 申請供電及轉名 申請終止賬戶 (住宅客戶 / 工商客戶)申請進度追蹤 一般查詢 申請表格

  3. 服務費用. 了解我們各項有關電力供應和服務的費用。 燃料調整費. 了解燃料調整費對電費單的影響。 電費單的逾期附加費. 若你未能如期繳交電費,我們將會按照逾期電費徵收5%的附加費。 賬單最低收費. 每張住宅用電價目和非住宅用電價目賬單都設有最低收費。 現時每張賬單的最低收費為港幣40元。 小額賬單. 如果你的賬單金額為港幣150元或以下,該賬單金額將會自動延撥至下期賬單。 自助列印賬單. 了解如何透過客戶服務中心自助打印賬單。 如何於網上查閱賬單. 透過中電流動應用程式或登入網上賬戶輕鬆查閱及下載過往14個月內發出的賬單。 為何需要估錶. 了解估錶的原因. 如何得知賬單是估錶. 認識估錶的賬單樣式。 根據什麼去估錶. 了解估錶的計算方法。 我會否被多收取電費.

  4. www.clp.com.hk › electric-vehicle-chargingElectric vehicle charging

    Electric vehicle charging. Learn how you can support green transportation in Hong Kong through electric vehicles (EV). Find out how to choose and charge your EV. We are committed to promoting electric vehicles in Hong Kong and achieve this through education and collaboration with the government, industry and community.

  5. Pure. Battery electric vehicles are all-electric vehicles that store electrical energy from an external source. Their motors are powered by batteries only. Electricity. Hybrid. Hybrid electric vehicles mainly use an internal combustion engine. They have a back-up battery system that captures energy normally lost during braking. Petrol; or.

  6. www.clp.com.hk › electric-vehicle-charging › how-chargeHow to charge - CLP

    1. Once you park your electric vehicle (EV) at its dedicated parking bay, connect the charging cable into your EV’s charging inlet and charger socket. 2. Select the connected parking number in charging kiosk. 3. Review and accept terms and conditions. 4. Select your charging duration and press ‘Confirm’. 5.

  7. www.clp.com.hk › electric-vehicle-charging電動車充電 - CLP

    電動車充電. Learn how you can support green transportation in Hong Kong through electric vehicles (EV). Find out how to choose and charge your EV. We are committed to promoting electric vehicles in Hong Kong and achieve this through education and collaboration with the government, industry and community. We also provide a reliable power ...