CTgoodjobs is Hong Kong's top recruitment site for part time and full time jobs, offering interview tips, career info, resume and CV templates.
Career Times, an English-language recruitment weekly for business executives, has been published by Hong Kong Economic Times Limited every Friday since 1997. With an average circulation of 90,000 copies per issue, it is currently the market leader in quality job postings.
CTgoodjobs is a leading jobs, employment and recruitment portal in Hong Kong, featuring part-time/full-time job vacancies, interview skills and tips, career news, cover letter/CV sample and many more. 香港領先求職招聘網站CTgoodjobs.hk,提供各行業全職/兼職好工、搵工面試貼士、職場新聞,及求職信/履歷表範本等。
Find your ideal job at Jobsdb with 9003 Career Times jobs found in Hong Kong. View all our Career Times vacancies now with new jobs added daily!
CTgoodjobs.hk, a unique brand extension launched in 2011, carries through Career Times Online Limited's commitment to quality and integrity in recruitment advertising. CTgoodjobs.hk has long pledged to protect job seekers from employment frauds with a designated team to verify job advertisements.
全職 兼職. CTgoodjobs首創的WhatsApp搵工平台,超過 2,000份兼職、散工、臨時工、即日出糧、合約等,偏布香港多個行業。. 立即搵工!.
Sales & marketing offers sales consultant, account manager and marketing officer related jobs. It also contains daily news feed, salary index and interview articles.
2024年4月17日 · Career News. Salary / Recruitment. Video. 【薪酬趨勢2024】全港住戶月入中位數$30,000! 18區月入排行榜出爐! 住「富人區」中西區搵幾多? 2024-04-17. 香港貧富懸殊問題嚴峻,眾所周知,這個情況亦都反映在打工仔的薪酬上。 最近香港統計處發佈 《2023年按區議會分區劃分的人口及住戶統計數字》,其中「表130-06806:按區議會分區劃分的家庭住戶平均人數及住戶每月入息中位數」指全港所有住戶月入中位數為$30,000,同時亦講述2023年18區住戶每月收入狀況,讓人更了解各區域的差異。 點圖了解更多: +15. 所有住戶每月入息中位數. 第18位:觀塘區 $24,000. 第17位:深水埗區 $24,100.
2024年10月10日 · 2024-10-10. 【香港平均收入2024|香港人工|平均月薪】最近 政府 統計處發布《工資及薪金總額按季統計報告》(2024年6月),其中表2.5:「按職業組別劃分的督導級、 技術員 級、文書級、服務及其他非 生產 級工人職級的平均每月薪金、平均每日正常工作時數與平均每月標準工作日數」談及4大按職業組別的月薪,讓打工仔能夠了解不同職業的薪金。 4大按職業組別的月薪. 港幣$計算. +1. 1/督導級及技術員級人員. 男:$26,743. 女:$24,497. 男女合計:$25,679. 2/文書級及秘書級人員. 男:$18,456. 女:$17,910. 男女合計:$18,015. 3/服務工作人員. 男:$16,814. 女:$14,994. 男女合計:$15,980.
5 小時前 · You may be hearing it a lot. President-elect Donald J. Trump has argued that steep tariffs on foreign goods will benefit U.S. manufacturing and create jobs, but many economists have warned that ...