雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.casio.com › hk › watchesPRO TREK | CASIO

    手錶. PRO TREK. PRO TREK 官方網站。. 一系列選擇豐富的 PRO TREK 原創戶外裝備產品。. 此系列特別適合爬山、登山及釣魚活動。. CLIMBER LINE,ANGLER LINE 智能手機連接,CAMPER LINE.

    • PRG-340SC-5 | CASIO

      大膽而亮眼。. 探索精彩的戶外活動!. 購買選用環保物料設 ...

    • PRW-61SS | CASIO

      這款手錶的設計靈感源自 PRW-61,一款適合各種場合佩戴且深 ...

  2. www.casio.com › tw › watchesPRO TREK | CASIO

    新品. LIFESTYLE. CASIO. 時鐘. 對錶設計型號. 配件. 進階篩選. 排序. 由新到舊價格:由高至低價格:由低至高重量:由重至輕重量:由輕至重. 發售月份. -- 售價. ~NT$10,000. 0. NT$10,000~ 0. 主要功能. 太陽能充電系統世界六局電波接收智慧型手機連結功能. 庫存狀態. 可訂購. 顯示類型. 數位指針數位/指針雙顯示. 錶圈顏色. 黑色黑色藍色藍色綠色綠色棕色棕色灰色灰色銀色銀色. 錶帶. 樹脂錶帶Dura-Soft錶帶鈦金屬錶帶碳纖維嵌入式錶帶皮革錶帶布質錶帶隨附登山連接裝置. 感應器功能. 方向高度氣壓溫度計步器.

    • Feel The Filed
    • Casio Pro Trek at A Glance
    • Pro Trek Prt-B50
    • Pro Trek PRG-600
    • Pro Trek Climber Line

    pGeared towards outdoor enthusiasts and outdoor sports lovers, CASIO PRO TREK watches are equipped with features that are made for outdoor adventures in mind. Appropriately stylish and versatile this series of smartwatches are perfect for enhancing your outdoor experience.

    For everyone who loves the great outdoors and spending time outside hiking, mountain climbing, cycling, canoeing, and more. The PRO TREK series inspires adventures that push you to new heights by opening up a world of new outdoor adventures for you to discover.

    The PRT-B50 series is equipped with a quad sensor — three sensors that detect compass bearing, barometric pressure/altitude, and temperature, plus an accelerometer for counting steps. They also come with Smartphone Link functions, linking to the PRO TREK Connected app on a smartphone using Bluetooth® to offer a host of functions that support outdoo...

    Featuring Tough Solar and dual-LED light features, this series of sports watches come equipped with PRO TREK's triple sensors that measure barometric pressure, temperature, and more. Watches from this series are also waterproof up to 100 meters, making this the perfect choice for those who want to take their outdoor activities to the next level.

    Equipped with a triple sensor, watches from this line take the traditional outdoor watch to a new level by making it more compact and even more powerful. While CASIO watches from this series are significantly downsized, it retains much of the functions that all PRO TREK watches are loved for, such as functional and intuitive digital displays, Tripl...

  3. 卡西歐CasioProTrek系列在1995年正式推出以Feel The Field為品牌理念是專為戶外活動而開發的手錶無論登山露營野釣泛舟溯溪均可駕馭。 ProTrek多年來持續進化,推陳出新,至今已發展至先進的第三代三重感應器技術,以準確測度方位、氣壓和溫度、高度。 卡西歐(Casio)ProTrek亦擁有全球六局電波接收功能,可以確保腕錶的精准;腕錶搭載太陽能驅動系統,提升手錶的續航功能。 ProTrek腕錶可分為指針、指針液晶雙重顯示、純液晶顯示3大類別,1994年誕生的第一款ProTrek手錶,可以測量方向、氣壓/溫度、高度,20年前出品的登山錶今天依然有人使用,亦有不少人收藏,可見卡西歐(Casio)ProTrek受注目和信賴程度。

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