雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.eaa.org.hk › zh-hk › CPD-Schemee-Learning programmes

    網上學習活動 (e-Learning programmes) 網上學習活動現已新增流動版本. 「網上學習活動」是監管局為持牌人提供的免費網上持續專業進修活動。. 參加者可透過觀看課程影片,增加對有關課題的認識。. 完成課程影片部份後,參加者需進行相關的課後測驗。. 若取得 ...

  2. www.eaa.org.hk › en-us › CPD-Schemee-Learning programmes

    e-Learning programmes is a form of online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity offered by the Estate Agents Authority free of charge. Participants will watch a video-taped programme to enhance their knowledge of the relevant subject. After watching the video of the e-Learning programme, participants will be asked to complete a ...

  3. 紀律研訊. 持續專業進修計劃 (自願性) 為提升從業員的專業水平及令他們掌握行內最新的知識,監管局以自願參與形式推行「持續專業進修計劃」。 從業員應秉持終身學習的精神,積極參與計劃,達到每年持續專業進修學分的目標。 詳情可參閱 《持續專業進修計劃指引 (自願性)》 。 以電子服務報讀監管局舉辦的持續專業進修計劃活動. [註︰請先註冊「電子服務」以使用此項服務] 示範短片.

  4. 詳情請參閱《持續專業進修計劃指引》第7.13段。. CPD points earned through award-bearing courses as described in Clauses 6.1(i) and 6.6 of the CPD Guidelines would be counted based on the number of classroom learning hours attended in each CPD period when the course is undertaken, rather than when the whole course is completed ...

  5. 主頁 關於監管局 關於監管局 里程碑 抱負及使命 監管局成員 常設委員會 組織架構 機構管治 服務承諾 私隱政策聲明 職位 ...

  6. 持續專業進修計劃指引第7.10段所描述的獲頒學術資格課程外,如某一活動橫跨兩個進修時段,學分只會算進活 動完成日所在的進修時段。. 詳情請參閱持續專業進修計劃指引第7.3段。. For an activity straddling two CPD periods, CPD points will only be earned on the day of ...

  7. 有關查閱及改正個人資料要求,請聯絡地產代理監管局保障資料主任。. The personal data collected or generated from this Application Form will be used by the EAA for the following purposes: (a) processing the application for award of CPD points; (b) enforcing compliance with the Estate Agents Ordinance (Chapter 511); and ...

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