雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港中文大學專業進修學院 (CUSCS): 短期課程, 兼讀制學歷課程, 全日制高級文憑課程, 研究生及學位銜接課程, 網上及遙距課程,持續進修基金課程.

  2. School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK (CUSCS): General Courses, Certificate & Diploma Programmes, Full-time Higher Diploma Programmes, Postgraduate and Top-up Degree Programs, Online and Distance Learning Programme, CEF Courses.

  3. School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK (CUSCS): General Courses, Certificate & Diploma Programmes, Full-time Higher Diploma Programmes, Postgraduate and Top-up Degree Programs, Online and Distance Learning Programme, CEF

  4. 持續進修基金 (CEF) 持續進修基金為有志進修的成年人提供持續教育和培訓資助持續進修基金的新優化措施已於2022年8月1日起實施基金的資助上限由每人HK$20,000增加至HK$25,000為配合此優化措施本院正積極增加持續進修基金課程的選擇包括將課程範疇擴展至中醫藥醫療保健教育藝術等以回應不同進修人士的學習需要本院現提供多項持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程數目正在不斷增加而課程涉及的範圍甚廣包括商業服務設計金融服務業語文物流業旅遊業及創意工業。 以下資料摘錄自持續進修基金網頁 https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef/tc/index.htm ,一切以其為準。 持續進修基金課程列表.

  5. 香港中文大學專業進修學院 (CUSCS): 短期課程, 兼讀制學歷課程, 全日制高級文憑課程, 研究生及學位銜接課程, 網上及遙距課程,持續進修基金課程.

  6. 職涯發展規劃專業證書課程. Course No. : 242-CDF100-20 | Start Date : 20/07/2024. Admission Requirements. i. Holder of an Associate Degree or equivalent with at least 8 years of working experience; OR. ii. Holder of a Bachelor Degree or equivalent with at least 2 years of working experience; OR. iii.

  7. Background. The Continuing Education Fund (CEF, 持續進修基金) is a HKSAR government initiative to subsidize local adult residents with learning aspirations in pursuing continuing education and training courses. Various CLC programmes have been added into the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes.