雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 這首歌不算是一般的JPOP歌曲,它是一首在音樂教科書中可以找到的合唱歌曲,是1991年埼玉縣秩父市影森中學的校長和音樂教師一起創作的。 就連我畢業的時候班級也合唱了這首歌,唱哭了很多同學。想起那些過去的日子,學校和朋友就是我世界的全部,無論好的還是壞的部分,我都不會忘記。

  2. 2016年1月11日 · 5. T.M. Revolution — White Breath. The uploader has not made this video available in your country. Released in 1997, “White Breath” by T.M. Revolution is a song sung in a snowstorm. The energetic singing from the start to the end might help get the heart of your love interest, as the message of the song is to ask that person to get closer ...

  3. 2018年10月26日 · Neither can we! And that's why we're excited to hear that Radwimps, the equally successful rock band behind its soundtrack, has released a short clip previewing four tracks from the movie: "Dream Lantern," "Zenzenzense," "Sparkle" and "Nandemonaiya"—all in English. With less than a month to go until the physical soundtrack's international ...

  4. 2018年1月29日 · Stay Warm in Winter with Snowy Japanese Songs. Diletta Fabiani Updated January 29, 2018. J-Pop Music Video Snow Japanese Winter. pixabay.com. If you've already learned by heart the songs we recommended earlier this year, we bring five more songs for your winter karaoke sessions!

  5. 時尚又不失韻味的時尚音樂酒吧「Bird Song Cafe」,平時以留聲機播放音樂,其出色的音響環繞讓小小的店內氛圍更濃郁真實,除了能享用各式酒精與非酒精飲料外,也有店主拿手的咖哩或是蛋包飯可供品嘗哦。. 從70年代的美式搖滾到南方搖滾,這裡集合有店主 ...

  6. 2018年10月25日 · Rain has the uncanny ability to make people so emotional they create some of the most memorable songs in the history of J-pop music. Here’s our list of Top 5 rainy J-pop songs that'll make you see the silver lining on cloudy days.

  7. 2018年9月10日 · This isn’t the first time that the group has expressed their love for either Japan or Kyoto, either; their 2014 hit single “Rather Be” is an homage to Japan itself. The music video was filmed in Tokyo, and the lyrics mention Kyoto explicitly, with the lines of: “With every