雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年12月21日 · 如今,世界上使用ChatGPT的用户已经超过了1亿人,这绝对是科技界里程碑式的重大事件。 “生成AI”技术也因此广为人知并受到更多关注。 不过最有趣的是,大赏的评选委员会还“采访”了一下ChatGPT,问它自己被授予2023年度的“新语・流行语大赏”的原因应该 ...

  2. 2023年5月17日 · While the adoption rate of dating apps in Japan lagged behind other parts of the world, the pandemic saw an uptick of singles searching online for their next romantic partner. 4. Tinder. iOS - Android. Boasting over 100 million downloads and over 70 billion matches, Tinder is the undisputed king of the online dating game (and the pioneers of ...

  3. allabout-japan.com › enAll About Japan

    2023年6月23日 · All About Japan and Japanese stuff! Find anime, music, castles, food, restaurants, videos, shopping, travel tips and more. New mega-feature every Monday! From Ancient Ruins to 20th Century Homes: Five Historical Parks in Japan Historical Site Ruins Japan has a ...

  4. 今天就讓特派員來與大家分享現在東京超夯的人氣伴手禮推薦,總共12樣精選的伴手禮都是東京才有的限定商品,快一起來看看有哪些品牌吧!. 賞心悅目伴手禮大賞!. 超華麗牛角麵包CAFE OHZAN. 被日本雜誌選為到銀座三越必買甜點的「CAFE OHZAN 牛角麵包 ...

  5. 2017年1月26日 · 10 Japanese Business Etiquette Rules. There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before ...

  6. 2017年11月28日 · Okoge, the burned rice at the bottom of the pot, is used to refer to heterosexual women who "stick to" homosexual men. It relates directly to okama (as mentioned above, okama is a pot that can be used to cook rice). The English equivalent, which is equally unfavorable, is "fag hag," though the less offensive "fruit fly" is gaining in popularity.

  7. 2022年11月7日 · 在苏格兰,竹鹤政孝在格拉斯哥大学学习威士忌的酿造,之后到斯佩塞产区的朗摩(Longmorn)蒸馏所实习。在格拉斯哥大学,竹鹤政孝结识了他的一生挚爱——丽塔。一年后的1920年,竹鹤政孝与丽塔结婚,之后进入坎贝尔镇的哈索本(Hazelburn)蒸馏所(已于1925年关停,之后云顶(Springbank)蒸馏所 ...

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