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  1. This is also true in travel. Your smart device is a tool to expand the enjoyment of what you eat, what you see, and what you buy when traveling. It is a tool you use to share what you saw, what you felt during your trip. If you have a smart device, you can safely wander anywhere in Japan all alone. Japan is equipped with mobile communications ...

  2. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey.

  3. Japan Online Media Center(JOMC) JNTOでは、訪日観光促進を目的とした用途に限り、メディアや訪日観光情報発信をする地域の皆様をサポートするBtoB向け総合サイト「Japan Online Media Center(JOMC) 」を運用しています。. JNTOが所有するプロモーション素材を ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. Smart Journey in JAPAN. 智能終端已經是我們不可缺少的工具。. 即便在“旅途”中也一樣。. 旅途中的美食、遊覽、購物的種種樂趣都透過它. 旅途中所聞、所想也透過它得到分享。. 有了智能終端,一個人漫步日本也不用擔心。. 在日本,不論繁華的都市還是偏遠地方 ...

  6. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey.

  7. "Safety tips API", an information distribution service Disaster information which is given in “Safety tips” of the app providing information for foreign tourists visiting Japan in times of a disaster can be provided to other apps. For further details, please refer to the following.

  8. Smart Journey in JAPAN. 智能终端已经成为我们不可或缺的工具。. 即使在“旅途”中也一样。. 旅途中的美食、游览、购物等种种乐趣都通过它,. 旅途中所闻、所想也通过它分享。. 有了智能终端,一个人漫步日本也不用担心。. 在日本,不论繁华都心还是偏远地方都 ...

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