雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月10日 · 香港政府近年積極推動電動車普及政策,不同品牌也陸續在港推出電動車,例如奧迪 Audi、寶馬 BMW、本田 Honda、平治 Mercedes-Benz、豐田 Toyota、福士 Volkswagen 及 富豪 Volvo 等。. 今次快而保便為大家整理全港 18 區的充電站位置,不同品牌的電動車同樣可找到合適的 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  2. 2024年4月2日 · 同樣去年登陸香港的埃安 AYON,推出外形頗有科幻感的 Y Plus,屬於中小型 SUV 類型,配備 LED 頭燈連日行燈、17 吋輪圈及隱藏式車門把手等。 提供 490 km 續航能力的 Y Plus,內櫳設備十分齊全,包括司機位電動座椅、多功能軚盤、10.25 吋數碼儀錶板、14.6 吋中控台觸控屏幕、冷氣設有 PM 2.5 過濾功能、後座冷氣風口、全景式天窗、氣氛燈、前後 USB 插位、360 度泊車鏡頭及全車安全氣袋,代理表示預計一換一售價約 25 萬港元。 5. 日產 Nissan Leaf 可說是電動車始祖,也是目前唯一非國產電動車品牌以平價取勝,全新車售價低至 HK$229,800。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Pay Attention to Insurance Age Limits and Claims Conditions
    • Watch Out For Insurance Exclusions
    • See Whether There Is A Deductible
    • Note The Compensation Limits

    Countless golf insurance sets a minimum and maximum age limit for their policyholders. Alternatively, they may list out that upon reaching a certain age (e.g. 66 years old and up), you will only be eligible to receive half of the compensation.

    Planning to sign your kids up for golf lessons? Take note that not every golf insurance in Hong Kong will cover them. For instance, the following scenarios during their time on the golf course are all excluded from coverage: 1. Your child injures someone. 2. They damaged other people's property. 3. They lost their own. If you choose to buy a family...

    Certain golf third-party insurance requires you to pay out-of-pocket the deductible of each claim ranging from HKD $500 to HKD $1,000. After which, your insurance company will compensate for the rest.

    You might have heard of this golf tradition. If you're lucky enough to score a hole in one, you're required to host a celebration at the clubhouse and invite everyone. Enters insurers and their "hole-in-one" golf insurance compensation. Keep in mind that some insurance companies have restrictions on this. For instance, the golf course must have par...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  3. 2022年8月6日 · 外傭中介防伏位 #1 比較5大外傭中介/僱傭中心收費及服務. 每一間僱傭中心的計劃收費及服務內容都會有差別,例如申請需時、退款條件等。 我們建議僱主可以按以下的角度進行比較: - 兩地簽證、領事館、入境等所有手續費用. - 來港機票費用(是否已包括接機) - 外傭海外及本港驗身費用. - 更換海外或現成約滿外傭費用. 延伸閱讀: 外傭中介防伏位 #2 小心「無牌」中介. 根據政府資料,截至 2021 年年底,全香港共有 1,527 間持牌的外傭職業介紹所,而由於《僱傭條例》及《職業介紹所規例》並無條文要求在本港經營的職業介紹所必須獲得外國官方授權招聘外傭的認可證明,方可提供外傭中介服務,僱主最好選擇一些較有規模及名氣的外傭中介。

  4. 2020年3月13日 · 網上搜尋平台要留意. 如果不知道自己的要求,對著龐大的資料庫可能只會花多眼亂,或被外傭簡介上的花言巧語所騙。. 建議盡可能多問關於上一份工的問題,以及違反合約的原因 (如有)。. 3. 社交媒體網上轉介. 網上的資源眾多,如果不想付錢用網上搜尋平台 ...

  5. 3. Lightning. Braving the elements is an important part of the golfing mantra. Muggy temperatures, blazing sunshine, torrential rain or gale-force winds will all cause golfers to re-think their strategy as they battle the weather as well as the course. It may come as a surprise, then, to hear that one of the most common accidents golfers ...

  6. 2023年11月9日 · Still, it likely won't be implemented in Hong Kong in the short term. In addition, Tesla announced that starting from August 3rd, at all V3 Supercharging stations across Hong Kong, fees during non-peak hours (i.e. 9:01 pm to 8:00 am daily) will be reduced from HKD $3.1kWh (peak hours) to HKD $1.55/kWh.