雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年2月9日 · Christine Chiu 台裔 奢華 好萊塢 璀璨帝國 我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀 民調中心 新任經濟部長郭智輝曾因違反證交法被判刑,請問您認為適任嗎?不適任 ...

  2. Christina Chiu is a novelist, short story writer, and editor who explores the themes of identity, culture, and gender in her works. On her website, you can find her latest book Beauty, a story of a woman's struggle and success in the fashion industry, as well as her previous books, articles, and interviews. Visit christinachiu.com to learn more about her life and writing.

  3. 2022年5月13日 · Christine Chiu of Netflix's "Bling Empire" spoke to WWD about her "constantly evolving" style and what to expect for the second season. While it’s common for stars to work with a stylist, Chiu ...

  4. 《璀璨帝國2》台裔超級貴婦Christine Chiu與丈夫經營整形診所為主業,不論她在劇中如何與Anna Shay較勁,她的膚況始終是粉絲們關注的重點,身為經營整形醫美診所的貴婦,難道真的都是用微整來保養嗎?

  5. 2021年1月31日 · Christine Chiu 出生於台灣,23 歲遷居美國嫁給中國裔丈夫 Gabriel Chiu,憑出色的公關技巧和商業手腕助丈夫建立事業,開設 整容診所 「 Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Inc. 」,讓 Gabriel Chiu 成為比佛利山莊知名整形外科醫生,專為名媛政商提供醫美服務,兩夫婦 拍住上 成功擠身名流。

  6. 2023年5月31日 · 5 minutes read. Christine Chiu. Christine Chiu (born December 14, 1982; Age: 38 years) is a famous model, entrepreneur, producer, actress, Philanthropist, social media star, Internet sensation, couture collector, and media face from Taiwan. She came into the limelight for her appearance in the famous television series named ‘Bling Empire’.

  7. 2021年2月1日 · Christine Chiu在《璀璨帝國》中的辛辣言詞和風格,絕對掀起了不少熱話! 而在現實中的她本身已是個傳奇性的存在,她不但為自己的寶貝囝 Baby G 舉辦超豪華的生日 Party外,更曾舉辦一個成本過千萬的肉毒桿菌 Party 請富豪朋友任打,認真瘋狂!

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