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  2. 如何使用桂利嗪 (Cinnarizine)及調較劑量? 桂利嗪是口服藥物,可空肚或飽肚服用。. 與食物同服以避免消化不良或胃部刺激。. 舒緩及預防暈車 成人 旅行前兩小時服用 30 mg 一次。. 旅程中如有需要,可以每八小時服用 15 mg 一次。. 小童(12-17 歲) 旅行前兩小時 ...

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › CinnarizineCinnarizine - Wikipedia

    Cinnarizine is an antihistamine and calcium channel blocker of the diphenylmethylpiperazine group. It is prescribed for nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness or other sources such as chemotherapy, vertigo, or Ménière's disease. Cinnarizine is one of the.

  4. 常用的有桂利嗪(cinnarizine) 及茶苯海明 (dimenhydrinate) 吩噻嗪類藥物 (Phenothiazines) 此藥可防止因刺激腦部化學受體引發區 (chemoreceptor trigger zone) 引起的嘔吐反射,可預防因放射性治療及化學療法引起的噁心和嘔吐;但對舟車暈浪,則沒有效用。

  5. CINNARIZINE的用量、作用機轉、副作用、懷孕及哺乳用藥與藥物交互作用,CINNARIZINE適應症:噁心、眩暈、內耳功能障礙、暈動病、末梢血管循環障礙。

  6. Cinnarizine 作用:這是一種抗組織胺的藥物,亦可以引致昏睡及阻斷鈣離子通道,從而減低眩暈和作嘔的感覺。 副作用:常見的副作用包括昏睡、頭痛、口乾、排尿問題、視力模糊、腸胃不適,亦有可能引起低血壓、體重上升和運動障礙。

  7. Cinnarizine is a drug used for the management of labyrinthine disorder symptoms, including vertigo, tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea, and vomiting. First synthesized by Janssen Pharmaceuticals in 1955, cinnarizine is an anti-histaminic drug mainly used for the control of vestibular disorders and motion sickness.

  8. Cinnarizine Brand name: Stugeron. Find out how cinnarizine treats travel sickness, vertigo, tinnitus and Ménière's disease, and how to take it. NHS information on cinnarizine – what it's used for, side effects, dosage and who can take it.

  9. Mechanism of Action: Cinnarizine, a piperazine derivative, has antihistamine, sedative, and Ca channel blocking activity. It selectively inhibits the Ca influx into the depolarised cells in the vascular smooth muscle, thus decreasing the availability of free Ca ions for induction and maintenance of contraction.

  10. Cinnarizine ( 英語 : Cinnarizine ) Clemastine ( 英語 : Clemastine ) Clobenzepam ( 英語 : Clobenzepam ) Clocinizine ( 英語 : Clocinizine ) 賽克利嗪 塞浦西他啶 Dacemazine ( 英語 : Dacemazine ) Deptropine ( 英語 : Deptropine ) ( :

  11. 2017年4月25日 · Cinnarizine, is approved for nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, inner ear disorders and is considered as first-line pharmacotherapy for management of vertigo. It acts by anti-vasoconstrictor activity, reducing blood viscosity and reducing nystagmus in labyrinth.

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