雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. OK便利店 Circle K Hong Kong. 4月20日 (星期六) 陰,多雲. 24. 1. 2. 3. 4. 免費玩16°C微涼飲品料遊戲. 一連兩星期的期間限定免費遊戲日日玩,百分百的中獎機會等緊你,大獎 — 飛利浦RO純淨飲水機! 快啲入活動網站參加大抽獎啦! Share. 能得利芒果冰棒. Refresh Youself~消暑冰條盛載著果汁,為大家帶來清爽感覺,享受透心涼之感,香芒果味香濃、無人造色素,甜而不膩,為悶熱天氣帶來冰感! Share. SEOJU雪條. 超級清新~酸酸甜甜口感,清爽好味,春日清涼舒暢暑氣全消!有香濃提子味/朱古力脆脆, 口感豐富! Share.

  2. 分店搜尋 | OK便利店 Circle K Hong Kong. 4月21日 (星期天) 小雨. 23. 分店搜尋. 選擇地區. 搜尋結果. 顧客服務電郵: customerservice@ckhk.com 顧客服務熱線: (852) 2991 6337. 下載 OK Stamp it. 相關連結. OK便利店於香港及澳門擁有300多間分店,遍佈全香港、九龍、新界、大嶼山及澳門。 隨時隨地搜尋各分店地址、營業時間、服務提供,簡單容易。

  3. Building on the “Dare to Try” brand image, Circle K Hong Kong is dedicated to adding fun, value and uniqueness to customers’ visiting experience through new and exciting products, convenient services and innovative promotion activities.

  4. 顧客服務電郵 : customerservice@ckhk.com 顧客服務熱線 : (852) 2991 6337

  5. OK便利店 Circle K Hong Kong, 香港. 383,237 個讚好 · 2,049 人正在談論這個. Easy Life Easy Smile 😉 www.circlek.hk customerservice@ckhk.com.

  6. OK便利店 Circle K Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 383,096 likes · 2,019 talking about this. Easy Life Easy Smile 😉 www.circlek.hk customerservice@ckhk.com.

  7. About Circle K. For many years, Circle K Convenience Store has continuously provided customers with an innovated shopping experience through its distinctive and caring brand image. In 2016, the "OK Stamp It" mobile app was officially launched to provide members with modernized and seamless O+O customer experiences.

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