中國移動香港提供最全面的流動數據以及電話服務計劃,包括5G、4.5G、學生、家庭、大灣區及長者 Plan等,最平月費計劃幫你慳到盡,立即點擊查閱我們的服務計劃,把握電話轉台優惠!.
CMHK as a leading telecommunications company in Hong Kong, offering the strongest 5G network in the city. CMHK provides diverse telecommunications services. Click to learn more.
China Mobile Hong Kong offers the most comprehensive range of mobile data monthly plans, including 5G, 4.5G, 4G, student, Greater Bay Area, and family plans. Click now to learn more.
中國移動香港提供多款服務計劃、包括個人、家庭及學生月費計劃,立即到CMHK網店瞭解更多。 5G一咭兩地服務計劃 50GB【夏日優惠】 - 中國移動香港
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