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    Join millions of learners from around the world already learning on Udemy. Learn Coffee online at your own pace. Start today and improve your skills.

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    位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。 交通便利,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀、紅磡及黃埔站、海底隧道及碼頭,酒店更提供穿梭巴士服務.


  1. Zoom. 本學院設有國際咖啡師比賽的指定咖啡機, 讓學員能以專業機種訓練沖調咖啡技巧. 點擊以下圖示播放影片. 咖啡知識及調製 - 初級課程. Zoom. 課程特色. 製作Latte(鮮奶咖啡),Cappuccino(泡沫咖啡),Americano (美式咖啡),等咖啡飲料,都是以Espresso (特濃咖啡)作為基礎,再混入牛奶或其他風味糖漿調配而成。 一杯美味的咖啡飲料完全取決於能否調製出一份完美的Espresso,所以Espresso 可算是咖啡的靈魂。 本課程為會從基礎開始,會讓學員了解咖啡歷史文化,亦會學懂操作半自動咖啡機外和製作各款咖啡的特色飲料。 Zoom. 課程內容: i ) 咖啡歷史文化及其生產過程. 介紹咖啡起源及發展過程. 咖啡豆的種植. 咖啡豆不同的處理方法.

    • Syllabus
    • Assessment and Awards
    • Private Group Training

    The programme consists of 30 face-to-face teaching hours, 3 hours in each session with coffee tasting, and they are structured into 10 sessions with the following key topics. This syllabus is adapted from the Coffee Skills Diploma programme guidebooks by Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)

    This programme will be assessed by three Tests. Setting and marking of the test papers are conducted/verified by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) or its Authorized SCA Trainers. Students have to obtain ‘Pass’ on all assessment components (Test 1 pass with 60% or above, Test 2 pass with 60% or above, and Test 3 pass with 70% or above) and atta...

    Corporate training or private group training can be arranged. Please contact Programme Team (Tel: 28678483 or email: coffeehtm@hkuspace.hku.hk) for details. 1. 30 hours 3 hours per session; 1-2 sessions per day 1. Kowloon West Campus Room 501

  2. City and Guilds Assured International Barista Skill 國際咖啡調配師技巧資格基礎課程咖啡師課程連考試費用) 原價:HKD$4,900 ; C&G 咖啡師早鳥優惠:開課前一星期報名HKD$4,000/二人同行HKD$8,000. (原SCAE)SCA Introduction to coffee(原歐洲精品咖啡協會)咖啡介紹(課程連考試費用): HKD$2,300 / Coffee Public 學生優惠價:HKD$1,100. (原SCAE)SCA Barista Foundation(原歐洲精品咖啡協會)咖啡師課程初階(課程連考試及証書費用): HKD$2,300 / Coffee Public 學生優惠價:HKD$2,100.

  3. 課程詳情及報讀方法. 課程名稱:7102-52『City & Guilds International Awards in Barista Skills 國際咖啡調配師技巧證書課程』 授課語言:粵語中文. 學額 :3人開班 - 6人額滿. 上課及考試地點: (K)九龍灣 – 九龍灣常悅道20號環球工商大廈10樓09室. 全期課程共6節 (包括上課材料及筆記 ) (包括一節考試) 全期學費連考試費合共HK$4,500. (K) 九龍灣 – 上課日期: K0327班 – 2024年03月27日-2024年04月30日, (逢星期三) 上堂時間 (7pm-10pm) K0408班 – 2024年04月08日-2024年05月13日, (逢星期一) 上堂時間 (7pm-10pm)

  4. The Coffee Pro is the first certified training laboratory based in Hong Kong delivers programs of personal & professional learning, certification and assessment accredited by the internationally recognized Specialty Coffee Association (SCA).

  5. Coffee Skills Program. Knowledge for Every Stage of Your Career. The SCA’s Coffee Skills Program consists of education in the following specialties within the coffee industry: Introduction to Coffee. Barista Skills. Brewing. Green Coffee. Sensory Skills. Roasting. Together these modules of learning are known as the SCA Coffee Skills Program.

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