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    KK [͵kolənəˋskɑpɪ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 【醫】結腸鏡檢查

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  2. 2023年7月12日 · 大腸癌檢查是一種偵測大腸內部有無異常細胞變化的檢測,透過將細長、可彎曲的攝像導管放入患者的直腸,醫師可藉由即時影像觀察大腸狀況。若發現大腸息肉或其他不正常細胞組織,可以馬上移除,也可採下樣本分析。大腸鏡是一個可彎曲和操縱的檢測儀器,進入大腸並探入可能會長息肉的部分 ...

  3. 大腸鏡Colonoscopy檢查又稱結腸內視鏡是以一支柔軟長管狀內窺鏡在下腔消化道黏膜進行檢查範圍包括迴腸末端盲腸結腸各部位直腸及肛門。. 除了能找出腸道徵狀的病因(例如:大腸癌、大腸瘜肉及憩室病等),也能透過各種輔助儀器進行活 ...

  4. 大腸鏡是甚麼?. 大腸鏡檢查Colonoscopy) ,又俗稱腸鏡,利用一條直徑約1.3厘米(半吋)、長約 1.6 至1.8米、柔軟而可彎曲,並在末端裝有鏡頭的內鏡,由肛門進入大腸內檢查。. 在過程中,醫生會檢查範圍由肛門至盲腸的整段大腸(下消化道)黏膜,即包括 ...

  5. Proper bowel preparation is essential for a successful colonoscopy examination. You are advised to consume a low-residue diet for 3 days prior to the procedure. You can eat rice, noodles, white bread, lean meat and eggs. However, you should not eat high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables or whole grain. 你需要按醫生的指示徹底 ...

  6. Colonoscopy is a safe and non-invasive diagnostic test used to visualise the full lining of the colon and rectum with a long and flexible tube called colonoscope. The colonoscope is inserted through the anus and carefully pushed into the rectum and colon.

  7. amc.hkbh.org.hk › service › colonoscopyColonoscopy | HKBH

    Colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure to examine colon with the endoscope inserting through anus, rectum, advancing into colon, and finally caecum, or terminal ileum. If any abnormality or polyp is detected, biopsy or polypectomy will also be done during the procedure.

  8. Colonoscopy is the technique that allows the direct visualization of the large bowel. This procedure involves passing an endoscope with a diameter of ~1.3cm via the rectum into the large bowel. The endoscope is a flexible tube attached to an optical system that allows the diagnosis, treatment of any abnormalities.

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