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      • A more complex division of labor is closely associated with the growth of economic output and trade, the rise of capitalism, and the complexity of industrialization processes. In a division of labor, the production process is broken down into a sequence of stages, and workers are assigned to particular stages.
  1. Complex division of labour Different workers specialize I different production stages of the same good or play different roles in teamwork In one school, teachers specialize in teaching, the principal focuses on management and the accounting clerk concentrates on accounting duties.

  2. Simple Division of Labour 簡單分工,是指每人專門負責生產一個/類物品或服務。 工人負責整個生產過程,談不上甚麼分工,不過在社會的角度出發,就是每人專注從事不同行業, 把工種作分工。 複雜分工 Complex Division of Labour

  3. The division of labour is the motive for trade and the source of economic interdependence . Division of labor CPU and GPU. An increasing division of labour is associated with the growth of total output and trade, the rise of capitalism, and the increasing complexity of industrialised processes.

  4. 簡單嚟講, 分工 (Division of labour) 即係由唔同嘅人嚟負責唔同嘅生產工序嘅工作。 B.4.1. 種類:簡單、複雜和區域分工. 分工嘅種類有三種: 簡單分工係由個別人士獨自負責生產某一種商品或者提供某一種服務。 簡單嚟講可以話係“專業人士”或“專才專用”。 例子:醫生、裁縫。 複雜分工係指將一個生產過程分成數個不同嘅工序,而每位工人就只係負責某個 (或數個)工序。 簡單嚟講即係我哋最常講嘅“分工合作”。 例子:喺玩具工廠嘅生產線上,每個工人只負責一部份嘅生產工序。 例如裝配、上色、檢測、包裝等等。 地區分工. 喺地區分工入面,唔同嘅地區或國家專門生產某種產品或提供某種服務。 例子:中環專門提供商業服務、沙地亞拉伯專門出產石油。 私用品及共用品. 分工的利與弊.

  5. Key Points. A more complex division of labor is closely associated with the growth of economic output and trade, the rise of capitalism, and the complexity of industrialization processes. In a division of labor, the production process is broken down into a sequence of stages, and workers are assigned to particular stages.

  6. 複雜分工,是指每人於生產過程中,專門負責生產某一個部份 。 最多用的例子是出版業。 某些工人負責編輯,某些工人負責排版,某些工人負責校對,某些工人負責印刷等等。 複雜分工能有效地減少浪費,而產量又高,是一種頗流行的分工方法。 Regional Division of Labour 地區分工. 地區分工,是指每一個國家或者地區,專門負責生產某一種物品 。 地區分工分工這一個概念,多被用於國際貿易中。 某一國專門生產自己成本較低的物品,之後互相貿易, 透過專門化生產把產量提高,以及低成本,價格當然比自國甚麼也生產時平,從而互相得益。

  7. 2015年9月8日 · Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Note that a distinction has been made between horizontal and vertical division of labour. The horizontal division of labour refers to the ways in which a large project or task can be split into several smaller tasks.