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  1. Formatting Syntax DokuWiki supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all possible syntax you may use when editing the pages. Simply have a look at the source of this page by ...

  2. 願這音 送給你 哪懼翻山越嶺. 扶助你 憑歌韻就算是無形. 懷緬往日我的 心間結着冷冰. 如陽光的你那歌聲最動聽. 俗世中 力竭走 時光永沒停逗. 無論用力捕捉思緒沒法印在我手 〔註2〕. 但你所 贈賜的 全部都不漏. 雖不算是永久 都可以在腦裏~不朽. 濤海似這樣 ...

  3. M:(白)終於,呢個時候要降臨喇! 兩個人一齊手拖住手噉齊心合力嘅日子… P:(白)吓~? 齊心合力嘅日子?你發夢下話?Peko! M:(白)Usada!戰爭啦! P:Peko M:Miko P:Peko M:Miko 合:Peko Miko Peko Miko 要~對陣! P:Peko Peko ...

  4. Wrap Plugin 2023-08-13 由 Anika Henke Universal plugin which combines functionalities of many other plugins. Wrap wiki text inside containers (divs or spans) and give them a class (choose from a variety of preset classes), a width and/or a language with its

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