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    • 1. 【會計】貸方票據,賒欠憑證

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  2. 2023年8月29日 · Credit Note一般指贷方凭证(贷记单,相当于欠条、白条),与Debit Note相对应。 特别是在进出口业务中使用,网上解释如下:如果你是卖方,现产品出了质量问题需要赔偿给客户,或者上个定单客户多付了钱,或者客户帮卖家做认证垫付了一笔钱,这些属于卖家应该赔付给客户的金额,可以表示为Credit Note。 这种赔付通常在客户的新定单中体现,所以具体做法是在新定单的发票里面加上一个Credit Note,从而把相关金额减去。 上述的解释比较适合此次发生的情况:如果发生索赔,客户会给卖家开一个Credit Note,写明索赔的金额,这就是卖家欠客户的,那么下次卖家出货的时候,就要从发票中减掉这个金额。 发布于 2023-08-29 01:21 ・IP 属地上海. 对外贸易. 外贸行业.

  3. 2010年6月9日 · 交易中如有積欠對方款項,例如出貨的損害或錯誤的賠償等等,均可開立 Credit Note 給對方,表示我方願意賠償與還款的誠意,亦即我方欠對方多少錢的意思。 賣方收到退貨或同意給予折讓時,應開具 Credit Note 給買方,買方可用來抵付其他的帳款或是下次的貨款。 換言之,Credit Note 就是同意給錢的折讓單,一旦開出等於是送錢給對方。 結 論:-- 賣方開出 Credit Note,代表賣方願意支付或同意少收該筆帳款。 -- 買方開出 Credit Note,代表買方承諾要支付該筆帳款。 轉貼自 aya-國際貿易輕鬆學. 全站熱搜. 創作者介紹.

  4. A credit note, also known as a credit invoice, is a minus invoice that reduces the total amount to be paid. Also known as a negative invoice, a credit note notifies the client or buyer that they no longer have to pay the original total due amount. The total amount is reduced by the amount of the credit note.

  5. 2023年4月26日 · Credit note(贷项通知单)通常是由供应商发给客户的,用于更正之前发出的发票中的错误,例如商品价格错误、发货数量错误等。 Credit note 通常会将相应的款项退还给客户,因此它代表着一种向客户提供货物或服务的承诺。 由于它代表着资金流入,所以它属于贷方凭证。 Debit note(借项通知单)通常是由客户发给供应商的,用于更正之前收到的发票中的错误,例如商品价格错误、收货数量错误等。 Debit note 通常会将相应的款项追加到供应商的账户中,因此它代表着一种向供应商提供货物或服务的承诺。 由于它代表着资金流出,所以它属于借方凭证。 发布于 2023-04-27 11:58 ・IP 属地陕西. 电子商务. edi.

  6. 2022年4月13日 · A credit note, sometimes called a credit note or credit memorandum, is a document that allows you to change an invoice after it has been issued or paid. When you issue a credit note, you are essentially deleting an amount from an invoice (and your financial records) without deleting the invoice itself.

  7. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Credit_noteCredit note - Wikipedia

    A credit note or credit memo is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer. Credit notes act as a source document for the sales return journal. In other words, the credit note is evidence of the reduction in sales.

  8. A credit note, or a credit memo, is a financial document that companies issue to indicate a reduction in the amount that needs to be paid whenever there is an invoice mistake, problems with damaged goods, or a purchase cancellation. When issuing a credit memo, the seller, has to return some amount of money to the buyer.

  9. 2024年1月3日 · A credit note is a commercial document issued by sellers to buyers to confirm sales returns. The amount that buyers are liable to pay is either less than or equal to the cost of the order. The credit memos are recorded in red ink to indicate a liability or reduced sales on the supplier or seller side.

  10. CREDIT NOTE翻譯:換貨憑單,信用票據(退貨時商店給的票據,可用於換取等值的其他商品)。了解更多。

  11. 2023年3月31日 · A credit note is a legal document issued by the seller of goods and/or services to the buyer against a previously recorded invoice. It shows the amount of money owed by the seller to the buyer.

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