雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2010年6月9日 · 正 式的翻譯,Debit Note = 要求折讓照會通知(應 收);Credit Note = 同意折讓照會通知(應 付)。 簡單的說,Debit Note 就是索討欠款;Credit Note 就是承諾給錢。 所以一個是應收,一個是應付,千萬別搞錯囉! 何時使用 Debit Note? 如果賣方要折讓價錢給買方,這時買方就要提出 Debit Note 要求賣方給予折讓。 還有客戶若有未付清的款項,或是出貨的應收貨款等等,你也 可以寄 Debit Note 去通知客戶以便催收該筆應收帳款。 要減少付錢給對方,也可以開 debit note,由收款方簽認才生效。 例如買方退貨或因瑕疵而要求折讓時,應就退貨之數量及金額開立 Debit Note 給賣方。

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  2. 2023年4月26日 · EDI 顾问杨欢. Credit noteDebit note 是会计和商业领域中经常使用的两种凭证,它们的主要区别在于它们的作用和方向。 Credit note(贷项通知单)通常是由供应商发给客户的,用于更正之前发出的发票中的错误,例如商品价格错误、发货数量错误等。 Credit note 通常会将相应的款项退还给客户,因此它代表着一种向客户提供货物或服务的承诺。 由于它代表着资金流入,所以它属于贷方凭证。 Debit note(借项通知单)通常是由客户发给供应商的,用于更正之前收到的发票中的错误,例如商品价格错误、收货数量错误等。 Debit note 通常会将相应的款项追加到供应商的账户中,因此它代表着一种向供应商提供货物或服务的承诺。 由于它代表着资金流出,所以它属于借方凭证。

  3. 2017年10月24日 · 簡單來說 Debit NoteCredit Note 翻成中文都是"折讓單"的意思 (有的翻成"信用票據")。 兩者的差別在於,你折讓給我=你給我錢 (錢的流向由外到內),或是我折讓給你=我給你錢 (錢的流向由內到外)。 下表是懶人版的對照表,比對開立文件者以及文件名稱即可找到其目的和意義。 從單字的面相來了解,會更好方便記憶。 文章標籤. 國貿折讓單Debit NoteCredit Note買方賣方定義信用票據信貸備忘錄信用備忘錄翻譯英文說明意思差別不同. 全站熱搜. 創作者介紹. NyoNyou. 搗蛋鬼 扭扭. NyoNyou 發表在 痞客邦 留言 (0) 人氣 () E-mail轉寄. 全站分類: 職場甘苦. 個人分類: 商用.

    • Debit Note vs Credit Note
    • Debit Note
    • Credit Note
    • Short Quiz For Self-Evaluation

    Debit and credit notes are an important part of today’s business culture as corporations have grown large and so have their credit sales and purchases. Accounts payable management and accounts receivablemanagement including dealing with credit and debit notes on a daily basis. Therefore, knowing the difference between a debit note and credit note i...

    1. When a buyer returns goodsto the seller, he sends a debit note as an intimation to the seller of the amount and quantity being returned and requesting the return of money. 2. A debit note is sent to inform about the debit made in the account of the seller along with the reasons mentioned in it. 3. The purchase returns book is updated on the basi...

    1. When a Seller receives goods (returned)from the buyer, he prepares and sends a credit note as an intimation to the buyer showing that the money for the related goods is being returned in the form of a credit note. 2. A credit note is sent to inform about the credit made in the account of the buyer along with the reasons mentioned in it. 3. The s...

    >Related Long Quiz for Practice Quiz 19 – Credit Note >Related Long Quiz for Practice Quiz 25 – Debit Note >Read Top Accounting and Finance Interview Questions

  4. 2018年8月26日 · 簡單的說, Debit Note 就是索討欠款;Credit Note 就是承諾給錢。 所以一個是應收,一個是應付,千萬別搞錯囉! 何時使用 Debit Note? 如果賣方要折讓價錢給買方,這時買方就要提出 Debit Note 要求賣方給予折讓。 還有客戶若有未付清的款項,或是出貨的應收貨款等等,你也 可以寄 Debit Note 去通知客戶以便催收該筆應收帳款。 要減少付錢給對方,也可以開 debit note,由收款方簽認才生效。 例如買方退貨或因瑕疵而要求折讓時,應就退貨之數量及金額開立 Debit Note 給賣方。

  5. 1. Credit Note: A credit note is like a financial apology. It's issued by a seller to a buyer as a formal acknowledgment of a mistake in the original invoice. This could be due to overbilling, damaged goods, or any situation where the buyer is owed money. 2. Debit Note: Think of a debit note as a financial wake-up call.

  6. A debit note is a document which is sent by the vendor to the buyer to inform them of a current debt obligation. The purpose for issuing the debit note may be to remind the buyer that there is a payment amount due.

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