雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年3月20日 · Under the Credit Suisse deal, Swiss banking giant UBS will pay three billion Swiss francs ($A4.82 billion) for its biggest rival and assume up to $US5.4 billion ($A8.1 billion) in losses. The deal will be backed by a massive Swiss guarantee and is expected to close by the end of 2023.

  2. 2023年3月20日 · Watch. Credit Suisse taken over by UBS. Published 20 March 2023, 2:38 am. An analyst says the current crisis appears to be a liabilities issue. That's a run on deposits - rather than the quality of assets held. As for Australian banks - they're in a better position than those around the world.

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  4. 2022年2月24日 · SBS 廣東話新聞2024年4月24日. 06:15. 澳洲情報組織指加密應用程式將阻礙調查極端分子陰謀. 昆州通過「惡犬」法案一周 接連發生兩宗狗咬人事件 ...

  5. 2021年4月9日 · 作为响应,花旗集团(Citigroup)、瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、汇丰(HSBC)、摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和瑞银(UBS)等大型 ...

  6. 2021年8月6日 · 澳大利亚新闻 SBS Chinese 澳大利亚新闻 是一个专注于当地新闻和时事的中文网站,为您提供澳大利亚的政治、经济、社会、文化、教育等各方面的 ...

  7. Vic 3205. Australia. Tel: 1800 500 727. Give us feedback. Make an enquiry. SBS Codes of Practice. The SBS Code of Practice (Code) sets out the principles and policies SBS uses to guide its content ...

  8. 2018年11月19日 · A report by global wealth manager Credit Suisse found those restrictions have had a "colossal" impact on Australia and warns of an "impending plasticide". Australia was exporting a large portion of its recyclable waste to China, but China has tightened its contamination standards and banned 24 types of waste.