雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Cash集團有限公司. (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 全球發售項下的發售股份數目:125,000,000股股份香港發售股份數目:37,500,000股股份國際配售股份數目:87,500,000股股份發售價:每股發售股份1.80 港元,另加1%經紀佣金、0.0027%證監會交易徵費、0.00015% 會財局交易徵費及0.00565%聯交所交易費面值:每股股份0.0001港元股份代號:2483. 聯席保薦人. PING AN OF CHINA CAPITAL (HONG KONG) 整體協調人、聯席全球協調人、聯席賬簿管理人及聯席牽頭經辦人. PA SECURITIES (HK) 聯席賬簿管理人及聯席牽頭經辦人. 聯席牽頭經辦人. @:9) Зࡋ⳪暲.

  2. K Cash 實體 + 網上智能金融貸款平台,借貸最快 5 分鐘批核,24 小時現金到手,全港智能櫃員機即攞現金。新客戶更可享利率 8 折優惠。K Cash 已處理貸款申請數量超過 8

  3. Expected credit losses, net (55,757) (37,672) Operating profit 67,215 82,720 Other finance costs (475) (803) ... the shares of the Company were listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange with an offer price of HK$1.8 per share. The Company received HK$ ...

  4. (b) the total number of shares of the Company to be repurchased pursuant to the mandate in paragraph (a) above shall not exceed 10% of the total number of issued shares of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution (subject to adjustment in the

  5. 2024年3月28日 · 個別行業如何避免求職時碰壁?. 對於個人信貸報告,或許很多人都會感到陌生,因為在日常生活當中,似乎只有特定財務需要才需要用到信貸報告查看信貸評級。. 然而,信貸評級報告原來與我們日常生活和職業生涯有極大的影響。. 如果有正面的信貸評級,將 ...

  6. 還款期可靈活安排,年期由短至6個月至長達60個月,客戶可根據自己的供款能力決定還款年期. 2. 實際年利率最高為36%. 3. 簡述貨款有關費用如下以作參考: 貸款額: HK$10,000. 還款期為12個月, 每月還款額為HK$975. 實際年利率為: 30%. 總還款額: HK$11,700.

  7. Stock Exchange (stock code: 2483) “Director(s)” the director(s) of the Company “General Mandate” a general mandate proposed to be granted to the Directors to allot, issue or deal with additional Shares of not exceeding 20% of the total number of issued