雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年10月6日 · 增上寺為埋葬了6位德川將軍的墓園,是令人印象深刻的寺院。 位於東京鐵塔隔鄰,將軍家的菩提寺 增上寺為埋葬了6位德川將軍的墓園,是令人印象深刻的寺院。三解脫門位於東京中心,是代表傳統佛教建築的山門,也是第二次世界大戰中唯一倖免於難的建築物。

  2. 2022年10月19日 · 旅遊指南 參觀東京鐵塔。這裡不僅是最佳的展望景點,同時也提供有趣的娛樂 以東京鐵塔為據點,探索歷史性的公園或寺院 前往方式 最近的車站:都營大江戶線的「赤羽橋」站(步行5分鐘)、都營三田線的「御成門」站(步行6分)和都營大江戶線、都營淺草線的「大門」站(步行10分)。

    • Paying with The Yen
    • Exchanging Money
    • Withdrawing Money

    As you probably know, Japan's currency is the yen. Here's some useful info for getting and using yen during your time in Tokyo! The yen comes in the following denominations: Coin: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 Paper: 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 (You can get a look at the currency on the Bank of Japan's official website.) Exchange rates are always in flux,...

    Tokyo is still a relatively cash-based city. Plenty of places accept credit cards, but do not expect that everyone will. It's not uncommon for Tokyoites to carry 30,000 to 50,000 yen in their wallets on a day-to-day basis, and before you leave for Japan, it would be a good idea to get around that much yen from your local bank, or more if you're tra...

    If you want to withdraw money from your own account in yen, many international banks have at least one Tokyo branch, so check beforehand if yours does. Most major Japanese banks now accept international cards at their ATMs, as do the Japan Post Bank ATMs found in post offices. Some banks with multiple international ATMs are: 1. Japan Post Bank 2. M...

  3. Money in Tokyo. The currency of Japan is the yen. Cash still plays a major role in Tokyo, although more places accept credit cards now. Travel IC cards such as Suica and PASMO are also common forms of cashless payment. You may be surprised at how many places accept cash only, so it's a good idea to bring enough currency or withdraw money when ...

  4. 2023年9月27日 · From Narita Airport: about 60 minutes to Tokyo City Air Terminal. About 90 minutes to Haneda Airport. Note: For more details, check the Limousine Bus timetables. AIRPORT BUS "TYO-NRT". From Narita Airport: around 65-80 minutes to Tokyo Station, and 77-92 minutes to Ginza Station, for only 1,300 yen per ticket.

    • credit suisse warrants1
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  5. 旅遊指南. 可以從戶外樓梯爬上東京鐵塔的大瞭望台,兼具觀光及運動效益. 站在鋪設玻璃地板的瞭望台,俯瞰東京街景. 前往標高150公尺處的大瞭望台,可以選擇搭乘電梯,或是攀登600階的樓梯。. 如天氣晴朗,可望見遠處的富士山。. 不怕高的朋友,請站在鋪設 ...

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