雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 東京引以為傲的動畫產業、文化、觀光 2023年10月31日,Anime Tokyo Station於東京池袋正式開幕。日本動畫在世界各地擁有熱情粉絲,Anime Tokyo Station將作為日本動畫的新據點,讓日本動畫在今後有更長足的發展。 無論是來自世界各地的遊客還是動畫專家,也不論男女老幼,大家都可以在這裡回味過去的 ...

  2. 2024年4月27日 · All parents hope their children will grow up to be strong and healthy, and many take part in this event.The bronze statue of the kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjuro IX behind Sensoji Temple was restored in 1986. It depicts the actor playing Kamakura Gongoro, a character from a famous play called Shibaraku. A strong-willed boy with distinctive bangs, Kamakura delivers his lines in a childlike manner ...

  3. 2019年11月25日 · 在銀座體驗專業樂手伴奏的KTV──Karat. 越夜越美麗的銀座街區中,隱身於地下室的「Karat」是一間擁有現場樂團伴奏的KTV酒吧。. 只要用點歌機選擇曲目,就能在專業樂手的伴奏下,輪流成為樂團主唱,享受被台下粉絲歡呼聲包圍的巨星般感受。. 這是一間適合與 ...

    • Sumo Through The Ages
    • Tokyo Tournament Dates
    • Ticket Prices
    • How to Watch

    Dating back over a thousand years, the sport of sumo was originally staged as entertainment for the Shinto gods. The rules and regulations evolved and developed, but the sumo you see today is very close to the one practiced in the Edo period (1603-1867).

    The three, fifteen-day tournaments staged at Ryogoku Kokugikan are held in January, May and September, each starting on the second Sunday of the month and lasting for fifteen days. The opening, closing days and middle weekend get very busy. It is relatively easier to get a ticket for the weekday bouts.

    Ticket price depends on how close your seat is to the action. A standard seat in the arena is around 4,000 yen per person. Box seats are a lot closer, but they require a group of four. Prices for a four-person box seat starts at around 40,000 yen.

    There are bouts from early morning on tournament days, but arrival of the top-level wrestlers—along with the pomp and circumstance—begins at 16:00 and lasts until 18:00. Plan to spend a day and wander around the arena, visit the museum and wait outside in early afternoon to see the oversized wrestlers arrive.

  4. 2018年4月2日 · 相撲之中蘊含著自古延續的傳統、講究的規矩與純粹的力量,不妨一同來感受日本國技的魄力。沉浸在獨特文化與賽事之中,2名強而有力的相撲力士互不相讓的對峙光景,讓數百年來的日本歷史彷彿躍於眼前。而相撲的根據地「兩國國技館」位在東京東側的兩國地區,每年都會舉辦3場賽事,每次賽 ...

  5. 2022年3月9日 · 池袋. 漫畫・動畫. 10:00~18:00. ※最後入場時間為營業結束前30分鐘. 公休日: 週一新年假期. ※遇國定假日則為下個工作日. ※更換展覽期間. 廁所全面禁煙貨幣兌換提供Wi-Fi服務. 日文英文. 設有殘障車位(輪椅可用)入館自動門設有無障礙通道電梯輪椅對應升降梯無障礙廁所(多功能廁所) 人工肛門患者可用廁所(簡便式)廁所設有扶手設有換尿布台提供輪椅出租筆談等綜合溝通. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京北部 > 池袋 > 豐島區立常盤莊漫畫博物館. 過去曾經位於豐島區椎名町(現為南長崎)的常磐莊,是手塚治虫等現代漫畫大師們,在此度過年輕歲月的傳奇公寓.

  6. SHIBUYA 109澀谷店位於澀谷知名的對角線行人穿越道的一個交界處,走進店裡,隨即就會聽到一聲熱情的「歡迎光臨」。自1979年開業以來,SHIBUYA 109便作為東京「辣妹」文化的中心地持續發展,擁有許多狂熱的支持者。