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  1. diy t-shirt 相關

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  1. 做自己的T。LOGOless是T恤的創作平台。我們希望讓製作T恤變成很容易的事情。可以是電腦圖檔,手繪稿或一句口號,專業的T-shirt技術,提供免開版、一件可印的服務。

    • 註冊

      做自己的T。LOGOless是T恤的創作平台。我們希望讓製作T恤變 ...

    • 防疫加油站

      線上DIY 1~19件價格/交期 少量印製款式 客製T客戶口碑 團體 ...

    • 編輯推薦

      編輯推薦。LOGOless成立於2008年3月,是T恤的創作平台,一 ...

    • 成品線上預覽

      成品線上預覽 - 做自己的T - 客製化衣服、DIY創作│LOGOless

    • 價格與交期

      價格與交期。LOGOless成立於2008年3月,是T恤的創作平台, ...

    • 客戶口碑

      客戶口碑 - 做自己的T - 客製化衣服、DIY創作│LOGOless

  2. 線上免費設計 T 恤 | Adobe Express. 免費完成專屬 T 恤設計 。 創作引人注目,且隨時隨地都想穿在身上的 T 恤設計。 立刻創作. T 恤. Blank Template. 從頭開始創作. 7:9. Tasks. tshirt. Topics. t-shirt, clothing, phrase, shirt, t-shirt-logo, festival. Mini. yes. Template IDs. (To pull in manually curated templates if needed) Orientation. (Horizontal/Vertical) Horizontal. Width. ( Full, Std, sixcols) full.

  3. 自製T恤是當下潮流之選,不論您是想設計團结人心的班Tee或是團體T-shirt,抑或是展現個人魅力的創意Tee,甚或是令人眼前一亮的廣告Tee, 印 Tee都能一一滿足您的需要,以下將會為您列出7大印Tee要注意的事項。 1. 圖案大小適中較合宜。 圖案太大,有可能令T恤較不易透氣,不宜長期穿著。 圖案太小,則不能突出設計重點,圖案的一些細節也可能顯現不出來。 2. T-shirt上印刷的文字清晰顯示較佳。 建議使用粗身的字體,字數儘量限制在15字以內,字體大小建議在8cm或以上。 3. 圖案位置儘量印製在當眼處,例如在T恤正前胸,後背,下襬或袖口位等,印製的位置儘量避免太偏,例如在肩膀位或縫線位等。 4. 圖案和T恤的顏色有差別對比,效果更鮮明。

    • Overview
    • Making a Pattern
    • Cutting the Fabric
    • Sewing Your Shirt

    Making your own clothes gives you complete control over the look and fit of what you wear. If you have a favorite t-shirt that is starting to wear thin, you can use it as a pattern to make another shirt just like it. You'll need a sewing machine to make your own t-shirts, but the money you'll save on clothes will pay for the cost of your machine. Sewing takes time and patience, so keep practicing and you'll be making your own clothes in no time.

    your t-shirt instead? Jump to a step-by-step guide to that process

    Making your own pattern requires some special supplies, most of which you can find online, or at your local craft store. If you plan on making a lot of clothes, consider investing in a cardboard Pattern Cutting Board. You can use any large piece of cardboard, but Pattern Cutting Boards have grid lines to make measuring easier. Acrylic rulers, also known as quilting rulers, are made especially for cutting fabric. You can buy rolls of tracing paper, or you can use medical exam table paper.

    A cardboard Pattern Cutting Board, or large piece of cardboard

    Give yourself plenty of room to work with, and unfold your cardboard. Cut a piece of tracing paper that is a little bigger than the t-shirt you'll be measuring and lay it on the cardboard.

    Pin your t-shirt to the board.

    It's a good idea to wash your fabric before you start sewing. Some fabrics will shrink when they're washed, resulting in a poor fit. Washing beforehand will prevent this.

    Think about what type of fabric you want to make your t-shirt from. Fabrics fall into two basic categories. There are knit fabrics and woven fabrics. Most shirts use a knit fabric, which is softer than woven fabric.

    Knit fabrics stretch easier than woven fabrics, making them a little more difficult to work with. However, the added stretch of knit makes for a more breathable garment.

    Press your fabric after you wash and dry it. You want the fabric to be as smooth as possible before you start working with it.

    If you're worried about your iron ruining your fabric, do a test press on a small scrap.

    Give yourself plenty of room to work. Try to work at a table rather than on the floor.

    Take the front and back pieces of your shirt line them up. Make sure the right sides are facing each other, and pin them together at the shoulders.

    Sew the shoulders together using a straight stitch on your sewing machine. When you're finished sewing the pieces together, iron out the seams.

    Take the piece of fabric you cut for your neckband and sew the two short ends together using a straight stitch. Your neckband should now be a loop.

    Fold the neckband piece in half lengthwise with the wrong sides together. Pin the edges and sew them together using a narrow zig-zag stitch.

    Pin the neckband to the shirt.

    Take your shirt and lay it open. Flatten the shoulders and pin the neckband to the neckline on the right side of the fabric.

  4. DIY T-Shirt設計平台讓你輕鬆容易把你喜歡的圖像或文字放在布料上增添個人獨特設計元素. 【P4U Style100 Tee】100%純棉衣料. 雙紗精梳棉、柔軟滑面、吸汗清爽、透氣舒適、持久耐穿、不易縮水、不掉色、適合四季穿著. 做工精緻,雙針縫線,領口、袖口、下擺的車線細密. 領口袖子下擺包縫. 版型寬鬆、圓領、短袖、平腳、挺身、時尚、男女合適. DIY設計Tee Shirt訂製服務【優惠期內低至半價 │ 免費送貨】 參考尺碼. 登入DIY設計平台【輕鬆製作獨一無二自創有個性有風格T-shirt】 Click入【DIY設計平台】 diy.print100.com/tshirt. 登記成為新會員.

  5. 印Tee專門店. 我們很多時候都需要印製 T-shirt;例如是公司的活動時,我們總希望每人都會穿上一件公司的 T-shirt;學校的運動會時可能需要訂造班衫;大學的同學每年也需要Print Ocamp Tee;不少的組織團體也會需要 Tee 或 Polo Shirt 作制服之用。 不過在香港,我們通常會遇到一個問題,那就是我們可能只需要幾件 T恤,印t-shirt少量很多時的確是一件非常令人頭疼的事;如果您需要快及平的話,那就可能更難了。 在這時候,我們印Tee專門店便可以助你完成你自製T-shirt的要求,我們可以印製團體制服,班衫等。 我們堅持 Print Tee in HK 的宗旨,如果有需要的話,我們可以做到即日印Tee。

  6. 2019年8月1日 · 跟著3大步驟、5不原則,找出喜愛的設計方式吧!. 2019-08-01. T-shirt設計. T恤設計是不是讓你不知道該從何處下手?. 該先設計圖案,還是決定T恤顏色,常讓人困擾許久?. 本篇告訴你T恤設計的小秘訣,其實T恤設計未必有心中想像的那樣困難與複雜,只要 ...

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