雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. domestic helper annual leave 相關



  1. The daily rate of annual leave pay is a sum equivalent to the average daily wages earned by an employee in the 12-month period preceding the day of the annual leave or the first day of the annual leave (if more than 1 consecutive day of annual leave).

    • 勞工處

      問5. 如何計算年假薪酬? 應該何時發放年假薪酬? 答5. 年 ...

  2. 根據《僱傭條例》,外籍家庭傭工可享有休息日、法定假日和有薪年假,以下是不同假期的日數: 休息日. 每7天工作可享有至少1 天休息日. 法定假日. 除了休息日外,每年可享有13天的法定假日. 有薪年假. 除了休息日和法定假日外,外傭每工作滿12個月後,便可享有至少7天有薪年假. 法定假日 VS 公眾假期. 對於外傭來說,法定假日和公眾假期有什麼不同? 法定假日(又稱勞工假期),顧名思義是法定、強制性的假期,即僱主必須讓外傭(不論服務年資的長短)放的假期。 除法定假日外,香港還有其他公眾假期(又稱銀行假),包括: 每個星期日. 耶穌受難日. 耶穌受難節翌日.

  3. An FDH with 3 but less than 12 months' service in a leave year (i.e. every 12 months after the commencement of employment) is also entitled to pro-rata annual leave pay. Click here to know more about paid annual leave.

  4. 2024年1月3日 · The number of annual days that a helper should receive depends on the years she has worked for you. A domestic worker is entitled to a paid annual leave after every 12 months with the same employer. The first 2 years, the number of holidays are 7, after which one more day is added, with the maximum days capped at 14.

  5. Q47:How is annual leave pay calculated when an employer terminates the contract of a helper? A helper is entitled to paid annual leave after serving every period of 12 months with the same employer. The helper's entitlement to paid annual leave will increase progressively from seven days to 14 days according to his/her length of service.

  6. A domestic helper is entitled to paid annual leave increases by one additional day per each year of service. A domestic helper annual leave entitlement starts at 7 days in the first year of employment, and goes up to a maximum of 14 days.

  7. Your domestic helper has been working for you for a year. Now time for her to claim her annual leave and take some well-deserved holidays. In Hong Kong, foreign domestic helpers are entitled to leaves under the Employment Ordinance, including rest days, statutory holidays, and paid annual leave.

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