雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在港工作須知. 你的勞工權益. 你有權在 每七天期間享有最少一天休息日,並有權享有法定假日 及 有薪年假 。 僱主不能強迫你在休息日及假日工作,或以任何形式的薪酬代替發放法定假日給你。 你應在 不遲於 工資期完結後的 第七天 獲 全數發放 合約指明的工資 (款額不應低於簽訂合約時的 規定最低工資 )。 受僱期間,你將獲提供 免費膳食 ,但僱主也可選擇以 膳食津貼 代替。 在整段受僱期間,你必須在合約指明的 僱主住所工作及居住 。 僱主須向你提供 有合理私隱的免費住宿 。 僱主會在合約生效前向你提供從原居地前往香港的免費 機票 ,以及在合約完成/終止後,提供返回原居地的免費機票和旅費。 在港受僱期間,你將獲提供 免費醫療 ,不論疾病或受傷是否受僱而引致。 ☞ 外籍家庭傭工僱傭事宜懶人包.

  2. How is annual leave pay calculated when an employer terminates the Standard Employment Contract of an FDH? Q13. Under what circumstances should an employer pay severance payment or long service payment to his/her FDH if he/she terminates the FDH's Standard Employment Contract? Q14. How are severance payment and long service payment calculated? Q15.

  3. Q47:How is annual leave pay calculated when an employer terminates the contract of a helper? A helper is entitled to paid annual leave after serving every period of 12 months with the same employer. The helper's entitlement to paid annual leave will increase progressively from seven days to 14 days according to his/her length of service.

  4. What is domestic helper annual leave? Annual leave is the same as paid holiday days. It is an employee entitlement under the Hong Kong Employment Ordinance and applies to domestic helpers too. How many days of annual leave are domestic helpers entitled

  5. 2023年8月1日 · 外傭為僱主工作滿一年後,僱主便須給予外傭有薪年假。. 外傭年假計算方法非常簡單,外傭有薪年假由7天起跳,並逐年遞增至最多14天。. 另外,只要外傭工作滿3個月,即使工作未滿一年,僱主亦應按比例給予外傭有薪年假。. 外傭有薪年假計算方法如下:. 外 ...

  6. In Hong Kong, domestic helpers are entitled to the following leave: Statutory holidays (13 days in a year) Paid annual leave (from 7 days to a maximum of 14 days based on the length of service) What are the differences between Annual leave, Statutory holidays and Rest Days? 1) Statutory holidays.

  7. The Labour Department grants Hong Kong domestic helpers annual leave after they have been working with the same employer for 12 months. The number of days off increases progressively from 7 to a maximum of 14 days as follows: The numbers of annual leave increase according to the domestic helper's length of service.

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