雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. All About Michael Kanert. In Japan since 2001, I'm a former ALT trainer who's lived in Shizuoka, Saitama and Tokyo, and visited 34 of Japan's 47 prefectures (13 to go!). When I can get out from behind the editorial desk, I take photos, do bits of theater and practice German longsword.

  2. 2021年3月18日 · Bear attacks and encounters were such a popular news item in the Land of the Rising Sun last year, it was almost comparable to COVID-19 and Trump updates. Bear encounters have been on the rise for a number of years now, but 2020 was particularly outstanding with 13,670 sightings recorded from April to September.

  3. 2016年2月2日 · 重新認識你―關於日本團子. 在五花八門的日本傳統點心中,團子(dango)佔有很大的地位。. 就像湯圓(元宵)之於中國人,團子是一種老少咸宜且物美價廉的日本家常點心。. 在各地的民俗中團子也扮演著重要角色,比如正月二十吃的“二十日團子”,春天和 ...

  4. 2017年10月16日 · Here we have the two classic apologies in Japanese: gomen-nasai ("I'm sorry") and sumimasen ("Excuse me"). As you might gather from the context in the video above, gomen-nasai tends to be more casual, and is used among friends, whereas the more formal sumimasen is more appropriate for use with strangers and superiors.

  5. 2017年6月14日 · After someone—we assume her boss—drops an enormous stack of files on her desk with only the slightest “Thank you for your help,” this unnamed office woman rises, takes a few paces, and removes her shoes.

  6. 新宿是東京都西邊最大的交通匯集點,車站周邊林立了許多新穎的百貨公司、獨立店鋪、餐飲店及聲色場所,也是許多觀光客住宿的首選地。但您可能不知道在這些高樓的縫隙間,佇立著許多超過百年的飲食老店,依舊吸引著新舊客戶上門品嘗。即將拜訪東京的您,不妨在逛街之餘造訪,品嘗百年 ...

  7. 2018年10月24日 · In keeping with the museum theme, there are information boards and photos from yesteryear depicting the journey of Tokyo's fruit and vegetable market—from its initial inception at Kyobashi during the Edo period, through the years at Tsukiji to its new location in Toyosu.

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