雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. CEF持續進修基金申請懶人包|熱門CEF短期進修課程|個人進修開支扣税教學 CEF持續進修基金課程的資助額已經上調至$25,000,予大家報讀合資格課程,增值自己,發掘人生更多可能性。如果你都想善用這筆資助豐富人生閱歷,就要留意今次懶人包,一文教懂你有關持續進修基金申請的資格和流程 ...

  2. Last Updated Date : May 2019 New Applicant Hotline 3199 1199 24-hour Member Hotline 3199 1111 Latest Offers Welcome Offer Member Offer Loan Products Instant Personal Loan Low-interest Debt Consolidation Loan Tertiary Student Loan No-doc Loan for ...

  3. According to the Money Lenders Ordinance, the maximum annual percentage rate is 48%. All examples and information of interest rate are for reference only, and final approval is subject to actual circumstances of individual personal loan applicant: Loan Amount: HK$200,000. Interest Rate: Monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%)

  4. After the results for DSE came out, I was luckily admitted to my favourite course at university and was incredibly excited. I was even given the opportunity to live at my university's dormitories and experience what it's like to live alone, which I had dreamed of doing ever since I was a kid.

  5. Applicant must provide the following information: Information on HKID card, Residency information (e.g. phone number, address, etc.), Job information (e.g. company phone number, address, etc.), and Following documents are also required: Hong Kong ID card Bank

  6. 20歲,大專生. 有關大專學生貸款的資訊,最初是從中學的師兄口中得知。 他分享自己中學至大學的心路歷程,當中一句令我頗有印象,他說「現實生活是殘酷的,以往在中學不愁衣食,到做大學生時就發現樣樣都是錢。 」正當人生第一次經歷財困之苦而不知所措的時候,邦民大專學生貸款正是他大專生活期間的一扇逃生門。 但對於他當時的摯誠分享,我只覺得他誇大其詞,沒有放在心上。 及後DSE放榜,慶幸獲得大學取錄,入讀心儀學科,興奮無比。 甚至能夠入住大學學生宿舍,一嘗自住生活,更是我從小到大的夢想。 眼見努力終於有回報,卻未有想過未來的生活原來暗藏危機。 與多數大學生一樣,入學後除了申請政府大學生貸款,閒時亦有兼職補習,確保收入來源。 但大學生活中,還要花費時間和額外金錢進行專題研究、小組討論、學會活動等。

  7. Promise provides you with a fast and convenient loan & interest calculator that makes interest estimate easier and simpler with the annual percentage rate. By simply putting in the loan amount and repayment period before loan applications, the estimated monthly repayment and interest amount can be told. When you compare different loan products ...