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  1. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › AlmitrineAlmitrine - Wikipedia

    N Y. (what is this?) (verify) Almitrine (marketed as Duxil by Servier) is a diphenylmethylpiperazine derivative classified as a respiratory stimulant by the ATC. It enhances respiration by acting as an agonist of peripheral chemoreceptors located on the carotid bodies. The drug increases arterial oxygen tension while decreasing arterial carbon ...

    • C₂₆H₂₉F₂N₇
    • 477.564 g·mol−1
    • 181 °C (358 °F)
  2. 顯微鏡下的腦細胞 患者的腦部組織與正 常的腦部相比,神經 細胞及神經突觸數目 遽減。 斑塊斑塊(Plaques), 是產 生於神經元之間的不 正常蛋白質。 神經纖維纏結 (t l ) 是由 串 阿氏痴呆症的細胞 (tangles),是由一串 串不規則的蛋白質在 細胞內組合而成。

  3. 國家食品藥品監督管理局撤銷都可書"(Duxaril)的註冊 謹請閣下垂注國家食品藥品監督管理局發出通知決定停止都可喜"(通用名為阿米三 噱蘿巴新片,叉名複方阿米三嗓片)在國內的生產、銷售和使用,撤銷其批准證明檔。

  4. 2011年9月26日 · Duxaril Tablets, also known as Compound Almitrine Tablets, containing almitrine bismesylate 30mg and raubasine 10mg, is used for treatment of the symptoms of cognitive and chronic sensorineural impairment in elderly (excluding Alzheimer’s

  5. Oral. Bronchial asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Adult: Recommended dose: 400 mg bid-tid. Max: 1,200 mg daily. Elderly: Reduce dose to 200 mg bid-tid. Child: As syr: <12 years 6-9 mg/kg bid; ≥12 years 200 mg bid-tid. Dosage recommendations may vary among countries and individual products (refer to specific product guidelines).

  6. Indications and Dosage. Oral. Neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Adult: As extended-release tab: Initially, 165 mg once daily, then increase to 330 mg once daily within 1 week. Max: 330 mg once daily. Adjust dose according to individual response and tolerability. Oral. Postherpetic neuralgia.

  7. There is currently insufficient evidence on the effects of the combination of almitrine and raubasine (Duxil) for dementia. Duxil is described as having several properties which may be beneficial for dementia. This review looked for randomized trials comparing Duxil with control in patients with dementia. Three trials were identified.

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