雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年8月23日 · Mindy 是為了追夢獨自到巴黎打拼的中國千金,被切斷金援的她只好到處當保姆、教中文,個性開朗直率,陪伴 Emily 度過面對巴黎各種瞎人怪事。 飾演 Mindy 的 Ashley Park,戲裡討喜,戲外也一樣率真可愛,但她的人生卻充滿意想不到的曲折。 從小展現藝術天賦. 跳舞、唱歌、鋼琴、演戲都難不倒. Ashley Park 是 1991 年出生於加州的韓裔美國人,3 歲就進入舞蹈學院學舞、5 歲開始學鋼琴。 熱愛表演的她,在國中和高中時都是社區兒童劇場的一員,高中創立了女子無伴奏合唱團,並在 18 歲時獲得全國比賽第二名。 15 歲被診斷罹患白血病. 重症病房許願看百老匯,訂立成為演員的志向.

  2. 2021年5月26日 · Netflix 愛情喜劇《艾蜜莉在巴黎》(Emily in Paris)在去年大受歡受,第二季亦已經開拍。 主角 Emily 的好友 Mindy 陳敏迪作為劇集中唯一的亞裔角色,相信吸引了不少香港觀眾的眼球。

    • Biography
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    Mindy was born in Shanghai, China, to a Chinese father and Korean mother, who still reside in Shanghai. Mindy refers to her father as the Zipper King because he owns a zipper manufacturing company and other types of fasteners, which has made him immensely wealthy. Since Mindy is his only child, he wants her to join the company and eventually take o...

    Mindy is beautiful, fashionable, and funny. She is direct and does not sugarcoat her advice, which oftentimes is directed at Emily.

    1. Main article: Emily and Mindy Mindy is Emily's first friend in Paris. Mindy's experience with living in a foreign country without any friends allows her to understand how Emily is feeling with the culture shift. The girls meet frequently and primarily discuss the issue most present in Emily's life. They have become best friends who support one another in each of their individual endeavors and want the best for each other.

    1. Main article: Mindy and Benoît In Season 2, Mindy and Benoît busk together and begin dating.


    Mindy's name was inspired by Darren Star's good friend who helped him navigate Paris during his time there, like Mindy does for Emily.
    Part of her job as a nanny is to teach the children Mandarin. Ironically, the actress who portrays Mindy, Ashley Park, is not fluent in the language.
    Mindy is a "Chaoxianzu" (simplified Chinese: 朝鲜族; traditional Chinese: 朝鮮族), also known as "Joseonjok" or "Chosŏnjok" (Korean: 조선족), as she is Chinese-Korean. She is Chinese by nationality (from he...
    Mindy refers to her father as the "zipper King".
  3. 2024年1月22日 · Netflix新上架的愛情喜劇《艾蜜莉在巴黎》(Emily in Paris)正在熱播中,其中主角艾蜜莉的好友敏迪Mindy更吸引了不少觀眾眼球,由今年29歲的韓裔美籍演員Ashley Park飾演.

  4. Ashley Jini Park (born June 6, 1991) is an American actress and musician. She is best known for her portrayal of Mindy Chen on the Netflix comedy series Emily in Paris. She originated the role of Gretchen Wieners in the Broadway musical Mean Girls, for which she was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical. [2]

  5. 4 天前 · 在女主角「艾蜜莉」莉莉柯林斯Lily Collins獨自落寞走在公園時,巧遇了從小就夢想活在巴黎、決定逃離繼承中國「拉鍊之王」家業的敏迪,她以褓姆為職業支撐巴黎的生計,兩人也成為生活中彼此重要支柱,在劇中逐步打開心房,走出選秀比賽失利、不敢再高歌的陰霾。 View this post on Instagram. A post shared by Ashley Park (@ashleyparklady) 飾演「陳敏迪Mindy」的是韓裔美籍女演員Ashley Park,1991年6月6日出生於加州的她,現年31歲,憑藉著精湛演技登上眾多媒體版面。 從小就習舞學琴,在國中時還加入合唱團,甚至在高中在全國比賽奪下好成績,年紀輕輕就展露出超高藝術天賦。

  6. Mindy and Benoit’s French cover of Shallow in Emily in Paris was amazing. Ashley Park reveals how she did it — and the inspiration for every song in Season 3.