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  1. 2022年8月1日 · 陳法拉 早前與相戀三年多的男友Emmanuel Straschnov在法國拉埋天窗從相片中可見法拉嫁個好老公讓人紛紛想向她的法籍丈夫起底到底這位Emmanuel為何能夠成功奪得美人歸?. 陳法拉老公Emmanuel Straschnov,出生於1983年,比法拉年輕一歲,是個100%法國人 ...

  2. Emmanuel Straschnov is the founder of Bubble. Born in Paris, he studied computer science… · Experience: Bubble · Education: Harvard Business School · Location: New York · 500+ connections on ...

    • Greater New York City Area
    • Bubble
    • 500+
    • 30K
  3. 2021年9月15日 · 15 Sep 2021. FOLLOW. Emmanuel Straschnov 陳法拉. Marvel 電影《尚氣與十環傳奇》上映後大獲好評,當中陳法拉在電影中飾演「文武」(梁朝偉飾)的愛人映麗,是電影中的重要配角,她與梁朝偉的對手戲給觀眾留下深刻印象,演技大獲好評。 不僅如此,連陳法拉的老公 Emmanuel Straschnov 都「呷醋」她的好演技,特別在個人 Twtter 張貼兩人深情對望的劇照「抱怨」,既搞笑又甜蜜。 亦是這個在電影之外的小插曲,讓一眾網民十分好奇陳法拉老公 Emmanuel Straschnov 到底是甚麼來頭;又是如何擄獲女神陳法拉的心。 ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUE READING BELOW.

  4. 2021年9月14日 · Emmanuel Straschnov於1983年在法國出生,因為小時侯爸媽的教導而接觸到中國文化,更開始學習普通話。 之後更曾到上海一間顧問公司工作3年,自己更改了一個中文名「司馬諾」。 (圖片來源:陳法拉IG、Emmanuel Straschnov IG) 之後Emmanuel Straschnov考入哈佛大學商學院工商管理系,畢業後於2012年跟矽谷專才Josh Haas合資15,000美元,在紐約創立電腦程式公司「Bubble」,成為創辦人兼CEO,公司主要職責讓不懂用寫程式的人也能製作網頁及應用程式,現時年賺約100萬美元。 (圖片來源:陳法拉IG、Emmanuel Straschnov IG) 3大優點俘虜愛妻. 到底Emmanuel Straschnov如何奪得陳法拉芳心?

    • A Better Mousetrap: The Startup That Started It All
    • Finding A Path Forward as Entrepreneurs
    • Bubble’S Bootstrapping Years
    • No-Code Now and in The Future

    Together, Jody and Josh created KeywordSmart, a tool that helped professional photographers and image asset managers better organize their photo libraries. It was essentially a cross between a thesaurus and a checklist, that allowed people to look at an image they wanted to keyword and answer questions about the various commonly keyworded aspects i...

    After leaving KeywordSmart in 2012, Josh started coding a project that would become Bubble: a tool to help non-technical founders build their ideas without needing to learn how to code. Josh soon found himself in the same position as the people who had solicited him earlier: looking for a co-founding partner. Emmanuel Straschnovwas attending Harvar...

    Despite the fact that Josh had thought he wanted a co-founder who could run the “business side of things,” the truth was there was little business to be done without a good product. In 2012, Bubble’s product still needed more development, and as co-founder, Emmanuel wanted to be a bigger part of the process. Josh remembers picking up a book on Java...

    Bubble became a venture-backed company in June 2019. In its seed round, Bubble secured $6.25 million from angel investors at SignalFire and Neo, founders at Allbirds, Warby Parker, Harry’s, and Nas (yes, that one). Then, in 2021, Bubble announced a whopping $100M Series A round, led by Insight Partners, who happened to be one of the very first inve...

    • Vivienne Chen
  5. 2019年6月3日 · 陳法拉早前與相戀三年多的男友Emmanuel Straschnov在法國拉埋天窗從相片中可見法拉嫁個好老公讓人紛紛想向她的法籍丈夫起底到底這位Emmanuel為何能夠成功奪得美人歸? ELLE.com.hk. 陳法拉老公Emmanuel...

  6. 2019年5月10日 · 有報導指現年37歲的陳法拉將於本周六在法國與拍拖3年的法籍男友Emmanuel Straschnov在法國結婚屆時陳法拉與男友在當地莊園舉行婚宴並只邀請最緊密親友出席在四川出生的法拉14歲移居美國於2005年參加TVB國際華裔小姐奪得亞軍隨後入行成為當家花旦之一同時也曾當歌手。 (取自陳法拉facebook) 她2008年與Neway大少薛世恒秘婚,可惜二人在2013年離婚。 翌年,法拉往紐約著名學府The Juilliard School修讀戲劇碩士課程。 在2018年畢業,更成該校此科系的首位華人碩士畢業生。 最近更進軍荷里活參演由妮歌潔曼(Nicole Kidman)及曉格蘭特(Hugh Grant)主演的HBO劇《Undoing》。

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