雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Community-organized gallery of sticker packs for the Signal messenger app. Browse more than 6500 stickers, and propose your own!

    • Messaging with Stickers
    • Sticker Creator Guidelines
    • Sticker Requirements
    • Sticker Recommendations

    Receive Stickers Updateto the latest version of Signal to receive stickers. View Stickers In a chat, tap on a sticker to scroll through and view other stickers in the same pack. Send Stickers Once you have a sticker pack installed, you can send stickers from that pack. 1. Android 2. iOS 3. Desktop Android 1. Select the sticker icon or emoji icon th...

    Non-animated stickers must be a separate PNG or WebP file
    Animated stickers must be a separate APNG file. Please do not upload GIFs
    Each sticker has a size limit of 300kb
    Animated stickers maximum animation length of 3 seconds
    If needed, outline the stickers so they work on light and dark backgrounds
    16 px margin around each sticker
    Transparent background
    Animated stickers should have 30 or 60 FPS
  2. whatsticker.online › c › categorySignal - WhatSticker

    WhatsApp、Telegram 和 Signal 免費開放式貼圖平台,隨意下載或製作貼圖!.

    • Signal Stickers推薦:Pepe The Galaxy。Pepe人氣衝出宇宙,推薦這款Pepe The Galaxy Signal Sticker,絕對顯示出Pepe宇宙之王的地位,一套共81款非常豐富,沒有不下載之理。
    • Signal Stickers推薦:啊嗯嗯嗯好。灰姑娘在網絡世界真的被玩壞了!而在Signal Stickers上,灰姑娘配上抵死的內心說話,哪怕玩笑開大了,也會有人原諒你!
    • Signal Stickers推薦:Business Fish。日本「社畜魚類動畫」《BUSINESS FISH》(ビジネスフィッシュ)一直是極具人氣的Whatsapp Sticker,如今也擁有自己的Signal Sticker了!
    • Executive Business Fish。由Spaz Mah Tazz創作的「Executive Business Fish」是動態Signal Sticker貼圖,一套20款,日式動畫風格十分搞笑!
  3. 2021年1月13日 · Signal目前官方提供下載的貼圖只要數款,想製作Meme圖、屬於自己的Sticker,就要花少少心機動手自製。 如果有製作過WhatsApp Sticker的話,相信做Signal Sticker也不會太難,因為兩者做法相近,只是現時未能直接用手機上傳貼圖包,必須經過電腦製作。 👇👇【點圖放大】3分鐘自製Signal Sticker教學👇👇. + 14. 不想自己整貼圖? 第三方網站 Signal Stickers 提供過千個貼圖包可供下載,只要搜尋關鍵字或貼圖標籤就能找到海量貼圖。 用戶亦可上載自己的Sticker與其他人分享。 香港01《科技玩物》頻道記者精選15款Sticker關鍵字,當中不少是本地創作,點擊連結即打包貼圖包去Signal,快啲下載啦! 1.

  4. whatsticker.online › c › homeWhatSticker

    WhatsApp、Telegram 和 Signal 免費開放式貼圖平台,隨意下載或製作貼圖!.

  5. Pepe 粉絲不要失望,Signal 怎會沒有你最愛的sticker 呢?一套共 119個pepe sticker 經已ready,而最貼心的是,只要在Signalemoji,即會出現相關的pepe 圖案,讓你更快揀選心水sticker,比WhatsApp 更體貼,對不? 立即下載