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    IPA [ˈempərə(r)]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 皇帝
  2. 英皇院線以優越的禮賓服務;專業的影音設備及精緻的美酒佳餚,為每間戲院注入精彩個性。英皇院線於各區陸續開設新戲院,設the CORONET貴賓影院;更積極推行電子化,提供網上訂票免手續費優惠及電子戲票入場等便捷服務;VIP會籍更為觀眾帶來更多購票優惠及獎賞計劃。

  3. EMPEROR翻譯:皇帝。了解更多。 The intrinsic strength of the language, combined with the emperor's decision, prepared the ground for forging the links between the court and ...

  4. 外匯交易平台 | 貴金屬交易平台 | 香港外匯貴金屬交易商 - 英皇金融集團. 英皇金融集團作為持牌外匯交易商,為客戶提供貴金屬及外匯買賣服務,集團著重網上交易安全性,透過嚴密監管,確保交易平台高效穩定。. 立即了解更多。.

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › EmperorEmperor - Wikipedia

    Gaius Octavianus Caesar "Augustus", or simply Augustus, was the first emperor of the Roman Empire, reigning from 27 BC until his death in AD 14. The word emperor (from Latin: imperator, via Old French: empereor) [1] can mean the male ruler of an empire. Empress, the female equivalent, may indicate an emperor's wife ( empress consort ), mother ...

  6. EMPEROR翻译:皇帝。了解更多。 示例中的观点不代表剑桥词典编辑、剑桥大学出版社和其许可证颁发者的观点。

  7. 在 歐洲歷史 中,其 帝制 始於 羅馬帝國 ,其最高君主稱 拉丁語 : Imperator ;英語: emperor ,早期漢語翻譯依據其發音譯為「 英白拉多 」,現在則對應古代中國的稱號體系,將其統一翻譯為「 羅馬皇帝 」;其原意是統帥,源自 拉丁語 : Imperium (意為權威 ...

  8. 2024年4月28日 · emperor, title designating the sovereign of an empire, conferred originally on rulers of the ancient Roman Empire and on various later European rulers, though the term is also applied descriptively to some non-European monarchs. In republican Rome (c. 509–27 bce ), imperator denoted a victorious general, so named by his troops or by the Senate.

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