雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2015年12月12日 · Keep in mind that these aren’t mistakes that would necessarily prevent you from being understood, but rather mistakes that, if you can fix them, will make you sound more like a native speaker. 1. Differentiating between 'wa' and 'ga' particles. Non-native speakers often misuse wa and ga. Both are particles, meaning that they come after nouns ...

  2. 2017年10月16日 · You can also use Loppi machines to for sports tickets, online shopping and a number of other services, such as advanced purchase of DVDs and gift items, and applications for certification tests. Below, we'll outline some of the most common tickets you can get on the machine—including how to get them even if you don't read Japanese!

  3. 2017年10月16日 · 点击主菜单可返回初始界面。. 在初始画面之前,会有一个声明弹出,换票和退票需缴纳手续费。. 而部分门票要求输入注册ID,黄色按钮为是,蓝色按钮为否。. 1. 2. 3. 便利店的自助购票机是非常便利的购票手段,通过它不仅可以买到体育赛事,音乐会和剧场的 ...

  4. 2017年4月14日 · 4. Heptagonal Macassar Ebony Chopsticks (Tokyo) Edo Kibashi chopsticks, prized for their functionality, are chopsticks handmade from choice woods such as ebony, red sandalwood, ironwood, boxwood or maple, with the company making the most of the wood’s quality. Chopsticks are personal items that people use every day.

  5. 2017年1月26日 · There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down.

  6. 2020年11月30日 · 图:装载着五颜六色的口香糖球的机器 扭蛋机最初导入日本时,主流机型玩一次的价格是10日元,到了1973年因为石油危机涨价到20日元以上,再之后为了保障商品的质量,100日元的机型变成了常见款,现如今常见的机型有200、300日元款式的,偶尔还能找到一些豪华款的500日元机型,而100日元的扭蛋机 ...

  7. 2020年11月23日 · *要求身高90cm内 除此之外,这里还有体验教室和给小牛喂牛奶等许多有趣的项目 体验教室 这里还有限时的手工体验!对DIY感兴趣的朋友可以体验做黄油,香肠,烤饼干等等,真的非常有趣。具体项目和时间可以在入园处拿一张介绍单,根据上面 ...