雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. esdlife 相關

  2. ESDlife會員額外25%體檢優惠,生日優惠及及高達$2800禮券,如有不滿可享全額退款,定時體檢提示. 生活易ESDlife健康網購涵蓋多種身體檢查, 為不同需要人士而設,比較超過700+ body check

    • 健康網購 health.ESDlife


      為不同需要人士 提供多項驗身優惠

    • 會員優惠


      會員專享生日優惠 以及每月精選禮品


  1. 晉上醫療專業身體檢查適用於適用於16歲或以上男士及女士。晉上醫療專業身體檢查包括超聲波檢查、癌症指數、心電圖、甲狀腺功能篩查、骨質篩查、類風濕性關節炎篩查、肝炎篩査、性病篩查、痛風篩查、糖尿病篩査、血脂篩査、腎功能篩査和肝功能篩査。

  2. 健康網購 health.ESDlife 屬一站式體檢搜尋及訂購平台,致力與優質及信譽良好的體檢中心及健康品牌合作,由60+體檢中心及醫院提供700+身體檢查計劃,包括全面、婦科、男士、婚前、生育、過敏、疫苗注射、基因測試、性傳染病檢查等。用家可自由篩選及比價,搜尋最合適你的身體檢查計劃。

  3. 【送$2,000 Apple Gift Card及Dyson/Nintendo Switch/PS5】美邦尊尚全面身體檢查計劃 (2人) 包括大腸癌癌症指標、心臟檢查、肝腎胰臟甲狀腺功能、大小便檢查、三高、類風濕、幽門螺旋菌、肝炎檢查等。

  4. ESDlife will get your products and services directly to the people who buy, will drive traffic to your site and, ultimately, can help you make lasting connections. As the city’s leading wedding website, we’ve helped a staggering 1.6million people tie the knot in Hong ...

  5. health.esdlife.com › shop › enESDlife健康網購

    Important Note: All contents published by ESDlife members are real-time updating, so ESDlife will not review the contents in advance, and do not guarantee its accuracy, completeness and quality. In additions, all the contents published by the members are ...

  6. Important Note: All contents published by ESDlife members are real-time updating, so ESDlife will not review the contents in advance, and do not guarantee its accuracy, completeness and quality. In additions, all the contents published by the members are ...

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