雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. PIBA. The Professional Insurance Brokers Association Limited (PIBA) is an approved Insurance Broker Body by the Insurance Authority of Hong Kong under section 70 of the Insurance Companies Ordinance. In order to be an authorised Insurance Broker in Hong Kong a company must be a member of PIBA (or the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers).

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. Kwiksure is a leading insurance broker that works with over 60 top insurers in Hong Kong and primarily offers Motor, Motorcycle, Domestic helper, Home, Travel insurance, etc. Contact us now for a free quote today.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  3. Useful Contacts: Insurer or Intermediary in Hong Kong. If you wish to get further information or to make a complaint against an insurer or intermediary, please find the relevant contact below: 21st Floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong.

  4. Kwiksures guide on key home insurance coverage options. Given the skyrocketing prices and rents of residential real estate in Hong Kong, most homeowners will purchase a home insurance policy to protect their property and contents within their household.

  5. 香港專業保險經紀協會 (PIBA) 香港專業保險經紀協會 (PIBA)是保險業監理處根據保險業條例第70條所規定而確認的法定保險經紀團體。. 保險經紀必須先成為PIBA的會員 (或香港保險顧問聯會會員),才可以成為本港政府認可的保險機構。. PIBA 早於1987年成立,多年來 ...

  6. Kwiksure has partnered with all the top insurers in Hong Kong. We are committed to offering the highest quality insurance products and services to all customers.

  7. 2018年11月6日 · 保險公司與第三者. 第一間保險公司在數百年前就已經出現,並很快就開得成行成市。 有人想到代表不同的保險公司銷售保險,以賺取佣金。 保險商極為歡迎這項安排,因為這能有助銷售更多保單及增加市場佔有率,亦能令客戶更願意續保,與保險商維持長久的關係。 保險經紀及保險代理同樣以賺取佣金為主,保險公司不會對他們所銷售的保單收取額外費用。 只不過,兩者的相同之處僅止於此。 保險經紀及保險代理的分別. 無論你正打算購買汽車保險,一或是其他類型的保險計劃,瞭解到保險經紀及保險代理的分別,能助你作出更明智的決定。 以下為兩者主要的不同之處:與保險商的關係– 這一點或許是保險代理及保險經紀最不同的地方。 保險代理一般只跟一間或數間保險公司簽定合作協議。

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