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  1. 2023年7月17日 · The Fear & Greed Index uses increasing market volatility as a signal for Fear. The most well-known measure of market sentiment is the CBOE Volatility Index, or VIX.

  2. 分享. 匯出. 製圖. 放大. AI 註解. CNN 恐懼與貪婪指數為採用美股市場情緒相關變數所編製的綜合指標,其中變數包括:市場動能、股價強度、股價廣度、 Put/Call Ratio 、市場波動、避險需求、垃圾債券需求。 該指數計算這些單獨的變數偏離其平均值的程度,並賦予相同權重。 其中 100 代表市場最貪婪,0 代表市場最恐懼。 看更多. 最新數據. 美國-CNN恐懼與貪婪指數 (L) 1980-01-01. 0.0000. 美國-S&P 500 (R) 1980-01-01. 0.0000. 相關圖組. 相關文章. 資料來源. 相關ETF. 股票型-地區:美國.

  3. The Fear & Greed Index is a market sentiment indicator used to gauge investor sentiment in the stock market, typically ranging from 0 (Extreme Fear) to 100 (Extreme Greed). It combines various data sources, including market momentum, stock price strength, and safe haven demand, to assess whether investors are too bullish or bearish.

    • Volatility
    • Market Momentum/Volume
    • Social Media
    • Surveys (15%) Currently Paused
    • Dominance
    • Trends

    We’re measuring the current volatility and max. drawdowns of bitcoin and compare it with the corresponding average values of the last 30 days and 90 days. We argue that an unusual rise in volatility is a sign of a fearful market.

    Also, we’re measuring the current volume and market momentum (again in comparison with the last 30/90 day average values) and put those two values together. Generally, when we see high buying volumes in a positive market on a daily basis, we conclude that the market acts overly greedy / too bullish.

    While our reddit sentiment analysis is still not in the live index (we’re still experimenting some market-related key words in the text processing algorithm), our twitter analysis is running. There, we gather and count posts on various hashtags for each coin (publicly, we show only those for Bitcoin) and check how fast and how many interactions the...

    Together with strawpoll.com (disclaimer: we own this site, too), quite a large public polling platform, we’re conducting weekly crypto polls and ask people how they see the market. Usually, we’re seeing 2,000 - 3,000 votes on each poll, so we do get a picture of the sentiment of a group of crypto investors. We don’t give those results too much atte...

    The dominance of a coin resembles the market cap share of the whole crypto market. Especially for Bitcoin, we think that a rise in Bitcoin dominance is caused by a fear of (and thus a reduction of) too speculative alt-coin investments, since Bitcoin is becoming more and more the safe haven of crypto. On the other side, when Bitcoin dominance shrink...

    We pull Google Trends data for various Bitcoin related search queries and crunch those numbers, especially the change of search volumes as well as recommended other currently popular searches. For example, if you check Google Trends for "Bitcoin", you can’t get much information from the search volume. But currently, you can see that there is curren...

  4. 2022年1月31日 · 恐懼與貪婪指數 (Fear & Greed Index)是由CNN編製,它根據7種不同市場指標,綜合加權計算,範圍介於0~100之間。 數字愈小,代表市場愈恐懼;數字愈大,代表市場愈貪婪,解讀方式如下: 0~25:極度恐懼(Extreme Fear) 26~44:恐懼(Fear) 45~55:中立(Neutral) 56 ...

  5. 2020年9月23日 · 恐懼與貪婪指數 (英文:Fear & Greed Index)是由CNN Business開發的指標,用來衡量投資人對股市的情緒。 CNN Business認為投資人會受兩種情緒影響:恐懼和貪婪,太多的恐懼會使股價遠低於它們應該達到的水準,當投資人變得貪婪時,則會把股價抬得太高。 CNN Business將7個不同的因素納入恐懼與貪婪指數中,並以0~100的數據來衡量投資人的情緒,數字越高代表投資人的貪婪程度越高,而50則為中立值,最後將所有指標均等加權後,就能得出恐懼與貪婪指數的數字。 組成恐懼與貪婪指數的7個因素. CNN Business用7個不同的因素,來確定市場上的恐懼和貪婪程度: 1. 市場動能 ( Market Momentum)

  6. 2024年2月8日 · 恐懼與貪婪指數Fear & Greed Index) 是一項用來衡量投資人「 貪婪 」與「 恐懼 」情緒的指標,由 CNN Money 所開發。 當投資人開始呈現貪婪的現象,股價容易出現超漲的情形,我們該戒慎恐懼,因為在這樣的情況下,股價容易被哄抬得非常高。 而當投資人開始呈現恐懼的現象,通常股價會下跌至低於一般該有的水平以下,我們則應該留意股價是不是出現被低估且浮現買進價值的機會。 恐懼與貪婪指數不同於 標普500指數 、 道瓊指數 、 Nasdaq 指數 等由多種成分股所組成,而是根據統計投資人在股市中的情緒變化,並用7項指標來加權計算出恐懼與貪婪指數,分別為: 垃圾債券需求. 市場動能. 市場波動率. 股票價格寬度. 避風港需求.