雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Animals. Birds. Flamingos are famous for their bright pink feathers, stilt-like legs, and S-shaped neck. Common Name: Greater Flamingo. Scientific Name: Phoenicopterus roseus. Type: Birds. Diet:...

  2. Behaviour. Flamingos have long necks and legs. They obtain their food by use of highly specialised bills which they hold upside down in the water and move from side to side to sieve out small particles of food. American Flamingo is the most brightly coloured of the flamingos. It is the only species which has red adult plumage all over the body.

  3. 2024年4月2日 · flamingo, (order Phoenicopteriformes), any of six species of tall, pink wading birds with thick downturned bills. Flamingos have slender legs, long, graceful necks, large wings, and short tails. They range from about 90 to 150 cm (3 to 5 feet) tall. Observe flamingo flight, flocking, and feeding behaviours.

  4. Natural. Human. In human captivity. References. External links. Greater flamingo. Not to be confused with Greater (flamingo). The greater flamingo ( Phoenicopterus roseus) is the most widespread and largest species of the flamingo family.

  5. Flamingo Facts. Flamingo Profile. The flamingo (Phoenicopterus) is easily one of the most recognized birds on the planet. With s-curved necks, vibrant colors, slender legs, and wide wingspans, these beautiful birds are found in tropical areas in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. As omnivores, flamingos feast on a host of organisms.

  6. 安第斯紅鸛 ( 學名 : Phoenicopterus andinus ),又名 安第斯火烈鳥 ,是只分佈在 安地斯山脈 的 火烈鳥 。 牠們分佈在 秘魯 南部、 玻利維亞 、 智利 北部及 阿根廷 西北部。 牠們是較細小的 詹姆斯火烈鳥 的近親,同被分類為 Phoenicoparrus 。 安第斯紅鸛會在泥丘上產一隻白色的蛋。 安第斯紅鸛會以特製的喙來濾食水中細小的食物。 牠們的下頜很深及窄,可以吃細小的食物如 矽藻 。 安第斯紅鸛的 羽毛 是粉紅白色的。 牠們是唯一一種火烈鳥擁有黃色的腳。 其喙也是黃色,但頂端較詹姆斯火烈鳥的喙多黑色。 安第斯紅鸛由於獵殺、 繁殖 時間長及缺乏繁殖地而面臨 滅絕 的威脅。 參考 [ 編輯] ^ BirdLife International.

  7. 小红鹤. 时刻保持警惕的粉色鸟群. 在六个红鹤物种中,小红鹤是体型最小、数量最多的一种,全球目前大约有300万只小红鹤。 它们会组成数百只至数千只的大鸟群栖于一处,以降低被捕食的风险。 如果发现附近有捕食者,小红鹤会伸直其S形脖子,而其鸟群中的同伴也会迅速模仿。 然后,鸟群就会展翅飞走,或向捕食者猛扑过去以示威胁。 倒立进食. 小红鹤栖息在含盐和含碱的湖泊和泻湖。 它们会把喙倒立过来,过滤微生物进食。 这些食物使它们的羽毛变成粉红色。 在新加坡飞禽公园,我们的小红鹤被喂食特殊的饲料,以保持健康的粉红色! 这些鸟在黎明和黄昏时最活跃,大部分时间都在进食。 飞得更远. 当生活条件变得不合适时,鸟群就会展开大规模的迁徙行动。

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