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  1. 2017年10月16日 · You can also use Loppi machines to for sports tickets, online shopping and a number of other services, such as advanced purchase of DVDs and gift items, and applications for certification tests. Below, we'll outline some of the most common tickets you can get on the machine—including how to get them even if you don't read Japanese!

  2. 2016年3月15日 · Spinning Synthetic Silk. Highlighting Japan Updated March 15, 2016. Handicrafts Fashion. www.gov-online.go.jp. Synthetic fibers are already indispensable in the fashion realm, and the technology behind Japan’s synthetic fibers is receiving exceptionally high marks at home and abroad.

  3. 2016年11月14日 · 九州七星号列车是JR九州所推出的卧铺列车,环绕九州岛行驶,于2013年10月15日起开行。与日本其他已停驶及行驶中的卧铺列车不同的是,本列车是针对日本国内及亚洲的金字塔顶级客层为对象,以套装旅游行程销售,并不单卖车票。吸引了国内外的土豪前来体验。

  4. 2015年9月4日 · 其实这个设计作品无非是用夸张的方式表达了无印良品极简主义木制品的最高境界,如同阁楼一样蜿蜒的书架就像积木一般,由线条分明,大小规整的小书橱拼接堆砌而成,每个书橱仅可容纳一两本书,整个书架犹如蜂巢状的藤蔓。. 当然,这么引人注目的设计 ...

  5. 2019年6月11日 · https://pixta.jp/. The first step is to open the front panel on your unit. Once it is open, you'll find one or more thin filters in place— gently remove them from the AC unit. Take the filters outside (or into a room like your bathroom or shower room) and rinse the filters with water and a cleaning product.

  6. 採用自動式上鎖的防盜系統,即使一個女性入住也能安全無顧慮,加上女性旅客的退房時間,也比男性晚1小時,住宿價格的設定也比男性來得便宜。 此外,館內更設有大量的雜誌跟漫畫可以自由閱讀,交誼廳也有專屬電視的座椅;與日本橋西川寢具店共同設計的開放式躺床,更設有隔板和可充電的插座,對出外人而言可說是間相當貼心且可以輕鬆入住的膠囊旅館。 カプセル&サウナ 池袋プラザ. 地址:東京都豊島區池袋2-12-3. 交通:池袋站西口步行約5分鐘. 彷彿置身於書本叢林的膠囊旅館「BOOK AND BED TOKYO」 https://travel.rakuten.co.jp/HOTEL/151412/151412.html.

  7. 2021年3月17日 · Menstrual cups and absorbent period underwear were among the array of femtech products that were on display this day. According to Japan's economy ministry, the socioeconomic impact of women's menstrual disorders is estimated to be around 700 billion yen a year. An increasing number of Japanese companies are joining the battle to tackle the loss.