雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. General Occupational Safety and Health Courses. (FLTO (R))Revalidation Training Course for Operators of Fork-lift Truck. Fork-lift truck operators who have obtained Fork-lift Truck Operation Certificates from OSHC should notice that their certificates are valid for 5 years.

  2. Fork-lift Truck (Front Loader) (The Commissioner for Labour has withdrawn the recognition of the Training Course for New Operators of Front Loader and the Revalidation Training Course for Operators of Front Loader of this course provider. The effective date is 2 March 2012.)

  3. Training Courses for Operators of Loadshifting Machine (Fork-lift Truck (Front Loader)) List of Approved Training Course Providers. Others. Application Procedures and Approval Conditions. Application Forms. Top.

  4. 根據香港現行法例(工廠及工業經營條例(負荷物移動機械)規例規定,所有叉式起重車(俗稱剷車)之操作員必須修讀獲勞工處處長承認的操作訓練課程並持有證明書,否則便觸犯法律。 本中心為勞工處認可的專業訓練機構。 現開辦下列勞工處認可課程: 包括:中文講義、證書、學員註冊。 但不包括交通費及午膳。 備註. 本課程報讀者必須有公司 /機構 /蓋章 証明有一年或以上操作叉式起重車經驗。 所有申請一經取錄,不得轉換課程:學費及學額不得轉讓他人。 學員出席率必須達100%及考試合格,才可獲發該課程證書。 除課程額滿、取消、申請不被接納外,一切已交學費,恕不發還。 完成課程後,學員將能明白叉式起重車之正確操作方法及多方面知識。 叉式起重車 (剷車) 重温課程. 重新甄審資格訓練課程. 課程學費.

  5. 在網上預約續領車輛牌照. 查看即時交通情況. 相關連結. 常用政府表格. 申領正式駕駛執照及駕駛教師執照. 續領車輛牌照. 更改個人/車輛資料. 申領暫准駕駛執照. 申領國際駕駛許可證. 大嶼山封閉道路通行許可證申請表格. 更多 > 常用網上服務. 駕駛執照及考試.

  6. Forklift Operator Training. Crown's network of fully qualified trainers and accredited assessors offer recognised forklift and High Risk Work licence training.

  7. Admission Requirements. Applicant should have one year or above experience in forklift operation. Award of Certificate. 100% attendance and examination pass. Certificate with ten years validity will be issued. Training Venue. Room 05, 2/F., Kowloon Plaza, 485 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok.

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