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  1. 2022年8月19日 · Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, involves stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. Signs and symptoms typically begin slowly, then get worse. Over time, symptoms get better, usually within 1 to 3 years. Having to keep a shoulder still for a long period increases the risk of developing frozen shoulder.

  2. 沾黏性肩關節囊炎 (adhesive capsulitis),又名 肩周炎 、 凍結肩 、 冰凍肩 (Frozen Shoulder),因好發在四十至六十五歲之間 [1] ,故俗稱 五十肩 ,是 肩膀 部份會造成疼痛及失能的病症,因肩 關節囊 及 肩關節 周圍的結締組織發炎僵硬,使得活動範圍受限,並且造成 慢性疼痛 。 疼痛多半會持續,在晚上或是天冷時會變嚴重。 特定的運動或是碰撞會造成劇痛及肌肉痙攣。 此疾病的原因還不明確,有可能是因為肩部受傷或外傷所造成,也有可能和 自體免疫 有關。 此疾病的風險因子有強直性癲癇發作、 糖尿病 、 中風 、意外、 肺病 、 結締組織疾病 、 甲狀腺疾病 及 心血管疾病 。

  3. 2021年1月12日 · 冰凍肩 (Frozen Shoulder)又稱為「五十肩」 ,是沾黏性肩關節囊炎的總稱,形成原因是肩關節囊及周圍軟組織之發炎、纖維化所導致肩關節疼痛及活動幅度受限之肩部疾患,其特質就是愈怕痛,愈不敢活動,肩部就沾黏的更厲害,疼痛也就更加深。 患者會有明顯的活動受限及疼痛造成舉手困難,因為好發五十歲上下的患者,故此症也稱作五十肩。 冰凍肩的症狀通常是不知不覺而來,從一開始的肩部不適感,進而梳頭或穿脫衣服倍感疼痛,最痛苦的莫過於晚上一翻身就引發劇痛而造成失眠。 初期病人常會自我診斷是太累、抱小孩、睡不好、睡覺忘記翻身壓到肩膀等其他原因造成的肌肉酸痛,忽略了可能正在發炎且增厚的關節滑囊,往往要等到僵硬到影響日常生活,才會投醫尋求治療。 3大時期的五十肩症狀有哪些? 初期「疼痛期」

  4. Frozen Shoulder, often referred to as Adhesive capsulitis (AC), is characterized by initially painful and later progressively restricted active and passive glenohumeral (GH) joint range of motion with spontaneous complete or nearly-complete recovery over a varied period of time. Common names for Frozen Shoulder include: Adhesive Capsulitis.

  5. 2023年6月26日 · Frozen shoulder (also called adhesive capsulitis) is a common disorder that causes pain, stiffness, and loss of normal range of motion in the shoulder. The resulting disability can be serious, and the condition tends to get worse with time if it's not treated. It affects mainly people ages 40 to 60 with women affected more often than men.

  6. 2022年8月19日 · Frozen shoulder affects both active and passive range of motion. Frozen shoulder can usually be diagnosed from signs and symptoms alone. But imaging tests — such as X-rays, ultrasound or MRI — can rule out other problems.

  7. Description. In frozen shoulder, the shoulder capsule thickens and becomes stiff and tight. Thick bands of tissue — called adhesions — develop. In many cases, there is less synovial fluid in the joint. The hallmark signs of this condition are severe pain and being unable to move your shoulder — either on your own or with the help of someone else.

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