雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A funeral procession is a procession, usually in motor vehicles or by foot, from a funeral home or place of worship to the cemetery or crematorium. [1][2] In earlier times the deceased was typically carried by male family members on a bier or in a coffin to the final resting place. [3] .

    • 出殯時間
    • 出殯流程
    • 出殯後儀式
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    根據內政部發布的「現代國民出殯奠禮流程」資料,傳統民間自宅建議出殯流程如下: 1. 移柩:家屬手扶靈柩哀哭後,由與喪家同姓人員協助將靈柩抬至家奠禮場。 2. 起柴頭:擺放喪家、女婿及親戚奠品,由家屬一一行禮,即所謂家奠。 3. 點主:將神主牌點王成主,盼望三魂七魄歸神主;傳統土葬時係在墓地點主。 4. 宗教儀式:延請道士或法師、僧侶誦經,也有安排在公奠後封釘前舉行者。 5. 公奠:由與喪家有交情的機關團體代表前來靈前致奠或拈香行禮。 6. 封釘:延請與亡者有血緣關係之同輩(不論性別)封釘,以祈子嗣昌盛。 7. 旋柩:宗教人員帶領亡者家眷旋繞棺木,表達依依不捨之情。 8. 啟靈:抬棺啟靈前往墓地或火化場,亡者家屬尾隨於靈柩後方。 9. 辭客:發引走一小段路後,亡者家屬轉身跪謝外家與親友,以示不...

    待家奠和公奠結束後,便會將遺體送至火化場火化,擇地安葬或進塔。接著還要返主安靈,即出殯後為亡者之魂帛安置於祖先牌位之側,供日後祭祀。值得注意的是,現在放在祖先牌位旁是變通做法,傳統上還是需要另外準備一張便桌,安靈祭拜。 以上即是簡單的出殯流程介紹,如有任何相關問題也歡迎聯絡冬瓜行旅,將有專人替您服務。

  2. 2023年12月19日 · Understand the intricacies of Chinese funeral traditions. From ancestor worship to burial customs, mourning attire, funeral feasts, and more.

  3. Funeral processions have been a significant part of human culture for centuries, marking the final journey of a person's life. These solemn parades have evolved over time, reflecting societal changes and religious beliefs.

  4. An act of solidarity for mourners and a way to honor the deceased, a funeral procession is usually a line of vehicles that travels from a loved one's memorial service at a funeral home or place of worship to a cemetery or crematory. At the front of the procession: the lead car, usually driven by a funeral director.

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  6. Led by the hearse, a funeral procession is also called a cortege and is usually followed by mourners in funeral cars. The final journey begins at the funeral home, or from where the person who has died is lying at rest in their coffin.

  7. As a ritual, the funeral procession allows families to mourn together and honor their loved one. But many drivers don’t know what to do when they encounter a funeral procession or become a part of one for a friend or family member.