炎明熹Gi訊台. 2,354 likes · 453 talking about this. 有關Gigi嘅報道同資訊越嚟越多,為咗令更多人更容易地跟貼Gigi嘅最新資訊 有Gigi嘅新聞請大家去 Like+comment+share=三寶 切記不挑機 不引戰💜.
炎明熹粉絲後援會. 7,669 likes · 533 talking about this. 自從TVB台慶2020炎明熹初試啼聲愈來愈多Gi炎粉 所以成立粉絲後援會支持她.
Gigi炎明熹. 12,315 likes · 38 talking about this. https://weibo.com/u/7426493874
GiGi炎明熹歌迷會. Public group. ·. 2.3K members. Join group. 炎明熹的新歌資訊、活動近況,日常工作,歡迎真心的支持者一起交流和支持GiGi.
2021年7月10日 · About this group. 呢度係Gigi炎明熹嘅fansclub,大家快啲加入啦!. ️. Gigi嘅專屬爛gag:點解我會俾人嫌棄?. 因為我叫炎明熹🔥😝. 中意Gigi嘅記得入黎喇~快啲邀請埋你啲朋友入黎啦!. 🥳. Private. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post.
2021年9月26日 · Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Visible. Anyone can find this group. History. Group created on September 26, 2021. Name last changed on February 8, 2022. See more. Tags. TV & Movie Events • Music by Region.
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Gigi 炎明熹 粉絲群組 只可以post Gigi d野.
gigi yiminghay 炎明熹粉絲群組. Public group. ·. 3.8K members. Join group. 只可以有炎明熹的事情.