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  1. gnc burn 60 相關

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  1. gnclivewell.com.hk › product › 燒脂60燒脂60 - GNC Live Well

    燒脂60 - GNC Live Well. 皇牌產品, 體重管理, 肥胖. 燒脂60. 功能: 增強脂肪燃燒60%* 賣點: 運動前30-60分鐘服用,可增強脂肪燃燒60%* 促進新陳代謝. *Clinically proven to increase post workout calorie burning by up to 60% for up to one hour after a workout. Sources: Guru, Ramanathan, Immediate Effect of DiaLean on Energy Expenditure During and Following Low-and High-Intensity Exercise.

    • 烧脂60

      增强脂肪燃烧60%* 卖点: 运动前30-60分钟服用,可增强脂肪 ...

    • 卡路里控制配方

      關於GNC 品牌介紹 專業團隊 聯絡我們 會員資訊 網上購物 網 ...

    • 網店獨家優惠

      網店獨家優惠 - 燒脂60 - GNC Live Well

  2. GNC燒脂60 (60粒);Price:$349.00;運動前3060分鐘服用,可增強脂肪燃燒60%* 促進新陳代謝.

  3. gnclivewell.com.hk › product › burn-60Burn 60 - GNC Live Well

    A powerful thermogenic formula that helps to enhance metabolism, burn calories and boost energy level. Increases calorie burning by up to 60% with exercise*. Takes 30-60 minutes before doing exercise. *Clinically proven to increase post workout calorie burning by up to 60% for up to one hour after a workout.

  4. GNC Total Lean®燒脂 BURN 60™ 完美纖體 - 有助於促進新陳代謝,燃燒卡路里,提高能量水平 - 幫助您在不損害健康的情況下減掉多餘的體重 - 瓜拉那和生薑刺激體內新陳代謝,分解脂肪並將其轉化為能量 - 含有 180 毫克咖啡因,相當於不到兩杯咖啡 - 葡萄(種子和果皮)和蒔蘿的提取物,促進脂肪分解,減少血管負擔 - 葡萄籽中含有的原花青素具有強大的抗氧化作用 幫助排除體內毒素,延緩衰老過程,改善面部氣色 - 紅茶葉提取物含有許多有用的物質,包括單寧、兒茶素、B 雜 - 幫助增加燃燒的卡路里高達 60%,還可以幫助在非訓練日燃燒卡路里以及刺激新陳代謝和能量產生.

    • GNC
  5. Home Delivery | Click & Collect. 60pc Item code 855478. A powerful thermogenic formula that helps to enhance metabolism, burn calories and boost energy level. Increases calorie burning by up to 60% with exercise*. Takes 30-60 minutes before doing exercise.

  6. 美國GNC - 燒脂 BURN60 60粒 [強效燃脂 消耗卡路里] HK$164.00. HK$398.00. 立即購買. 加入追蹤清單. 商品描述. 了解更多. 送貨及付款方式. 顧客評價. 著名美國品牌 GNC,品質保證. 為纖體人士提供強效燃脂配方. 配合運動能增加消耗卡路里達百分之六十. 增強身體活力及新陳代謝. 膳食補充劑. 【成分】每2片. 含瓜拉納種子精華(包含36%咖啡因= 180mg)495mg. 紅茶精華272mg. MegaNatural專利葡萄皮和葡萄籽精華210mg. 生薑精華200mg. MegaNatural專利金葡萄籽精華125毫克. 蒔蘿草精華5mg. 其他成分:葡萄糖,纖維素,澱粉,二氧化鈦(純天然礦物漂白),焦搪色,乙基香蘭素。

  7. www.35plus.hk › products › gnc-burn-60-60pcsGNC Burn 60 (60pcs)

    Description. A powerful thermogenic formula that helps to enhance metabolism, burn calories and boost energy level. Increases calorie burning by up to 60% with exercise* Takes 30-60 minutes before doing exercise. *Clinically proven to increase post workout calorie burning by up to 60% for up to one hour after a workout.

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