雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 使用 Google 地圖搜尋資訊. 在 Google 地圖應用程式中選擇你的車輛圖示. 在 Google 地圖上搜尋地點. 搜尋附近地點,並探索該區域. 探索座標或依緯度和經度搜尋. 在地圖上搜尋、新增或隱藏 Google 聯絡人. 在 Google 地圖中預訂. 在 Google 地圖中使用 OpenTable 預訂服務 ...

  2. Understand Google Maps app features. To help you access features faster, Google Maps app has been updated. When you open the Google Maps app, you can find these tabs at the bottom of the Home Screen: Explore : Choose where to go. You : Create lists, recall places, and find your saved trips, notifications, and messages.

  3. Add to Google Maps and earn badges. Control who finds your Google Maps contributions. Follow a Google Maps profile. Use the Contribute tab. Fix a missing address or wrong pin location. Post photo updates of a place. Set photo permissions on your iPhone or iPad. Check facts about places on Google Maps. Tips for contributing high quality reviews ...

  4. Get the coordinates of a place. On your computer, open Google Maps. Right-click the place or area on the map. This will open a pop-up window. You can find your latitude and longitude in decimal format at the top. To copy the coordinates automatically, left click on the latitude and longitude.

  5. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app . Make sure you're connected to the internet and signed in to Google Maps. Search for a place, like San Francisco. At the bottom, tap the name or address of the place tap More Download offline map

  6. Search for places. You can add restaurants, hotels, museums, and other public places to your map. On your computer, sign in to My Maps. Open or create a map. In the search bar, type the name or address of a place. Click one of the results on the map. If the result is what you want, click Add to map.

  7. Learn how to contact Google Maps support team for assistance with any issues you may have.

  8. 成為在地嚮導後,只要在 Google 地圖上分享評論、相片和知識,就能獲得積分。這些積分可讓你在計畫中提升等級,同時享有各種福利,像是搶先體驗 Google 新功能,以及合作夥伴提供的特別獎 請注意,你的積分和等級資料最多需要 24 小時才能完成更新。

  9. 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上,打开 Google 地图应用 。. 点按您的个人资料照片或姓名首字母缩写 离线地图。. 选择地图。. 点按屏幕右上角的“修改”图标 。. 更新地图名称并点按 保存。. 更新离线地图. 您在手机或平板电脑上下载的离线地图必须在过期前进行更新。. 如果 ...

  10. 重新命名你下載的離線區域地圖. 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上,開啟 Google 地圖應用程式 。. 輕觸 你的個人資料相片或姓名縮寫 [離線地圖]。. 選取地圖。. 輕觸右上方的「編輯」圖示 。. 更新地圖名稱,然後輕觸「儲存」。. 更新離線地圖. 透過手機或平板電腦下載的離線 ...

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