雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Winston With Love Collection. In a new fine jewelry collection, the House of Harry Winston illustrates the intensity of love with incredible jewels. Four different stages of love, identified with the letters L, O, V, E, are embodied in exquisite gemstone jewelry creations that speak to the sentiment and highlight the House's superlative ...

  2. 海瑞温斯顿独一无二的订婚钻戒与婚戒,为您许下一生的誓言。探索品牌精美绝伦的婚嫁珠宝系列。 此生不渝。海瑞温斯顿为您提供了独一无二的订婚戒指和结婚戒指,象征一生不变的誓言。这些戒指采用世界珍罕钻石和极其稀有的宝石打造而成。

  3. 海瑞温斯顿高级珠宝系列展现了品牌无与伦比的设计传承和不可超越的精湛工艺。 Winston With Love Collection 海瑞温斯顿推出全新珠宝系列,以华美珠宝诠释炽热爱意。分别以字母L.O.V.E.代表浪漫爱情之旅的四个不同篇章,以传递真挚情感的精致宝石珠宝作品,彰显品牌的精湛工艺。

  4. A Winston Love Story The House of Harry Winston has been at the heart of the world’s greatest love stories for nearly a century. Commemorate your unique love story with the perfect ring and celebrate one of life’s most meaningful moments—the promise of together, ever after.

  5. Starting from $21,800 *. The One, an exceptional engagement ring and unique piece of fine jewelry, features a cushion-cut diamond center stone, framed by micropavé diamonds, set on a micropavé band. The timeless glamour of the setting has quickly become an iconic Harry Winston style. Set in a delicate, feminine design, each diamond engagement ...

  6. Harry Winston. 品牌故事 . 更改语言和位置: 简体中文 服务 预约鉴赏 联络我们 目录索取 订阅电子邮件 关于HW 工作机会 慈善事业 法律条款 海瑞温斯顿网站使用条款 海瑞温斯顿网站隐私条款:您的隐私权 ...

  7. 2021年5月5日 · 每一枚 Harry Winston 婚戒設計,都始於鑽石本身,以鑽石自身特有的美感與獨特性為優先考量,全新的 The One 系列鑽石婚戒便是彰顯的典範。無論枕形、橢圓形或圓形明亮式切工的主石外緣,皆以極細微的密釘鑲嵌鑽石環繞,襯托主鑽的圓潤光澤與奢華質感,煥發出其內在的天然火光,見證親密愛侶之 ...

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