雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. On June 16, 2023, the world's largest indoor Harry Potter attraction, officially named Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo – The Making of Harry Potter, opened, allowing fans to explore Harry Potter's magical world in the country's capital.

    • 出发指南
    • 进入哈利波特的世界
    • 奇幻料理与魔法伴手礼

    池袋站设有参考伦敦国王十字车站而特别设计的站台,欣赏完站台后,您可搭乘电车前往丰岛园站!该车站目前正模拟活米村站进行改建。 此外,Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo的门票须事先在官网购买。若想了解更多详情,也可使用掌上数字导览设备。 ‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights © J.K. Rowling.

    这座独特的娱乐设施首次登陆亚洲,位于练马区丰岛园旧址。哈利波特作品以小说及电影的方式席卷世界,享誉全球。快拉开帷幕,进入这部知名作品的幕后舞台吧!您可在此参观霍格沃茨魔法学院的大礼堂、邓布利多的校长室、格兰芬多的交谊厅等代表性场景设计,还可在九又四分之三站台搭乘霍格沃茨特快车,瞧瞧斜角巷的展示橱窗。若有勇气,您也可前往禁忌森林探索一番。而到霍格沃茨城堡模型周围转一转,相信会让您更加感动。 这里展有霍格沃茨的校服、阿不思·邓布利多的服装等,囊括了各种电影原创小道具及服饰,您还可学习如何制作特效,从而找出“神奇动物”系列电影背后的秘密。 或许,您还有机会通过绿幕技术,骑着扫帚环绕霍格沃茨城堡、成为霍格沃茨魔法学院楼梯上的肖像画、或是从看台为魁地奇比赛加油打气。 ‘Wizarding World’...

    这里提供许多食物及饮料,如同各位所想,这些饮食中也都加入了哈利波特风格的小巧思。参观前后,请您务必到巧克力蛙咖啡厅看看,也可到餐厅品尝炸鱼薯条、烤牛肉、英式早餐等传统英国料理。如果想在旅途中稍事休息,推荐您前往全球最大的奶油啤酒吧,来杯清爽的奶油啤酒。若外景场地咖啡厅当天有空位,您可在此享用传统英式下午茶,其灵感取自于恩不里居教授。 官方伴手礼商店有两间,共14个主题区域,提供了限定商品等7,000多款定制商品,欢迎您到此寻找适合作为当天回忆的伴手礼。 *‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. ...

  2. 1 天前 · All you need to know about Tokyo's tourist attractions, events, hotels, transportations & more from the official travel guide of Tokyo for visitors.

  3. 2024年2月1日 · Updated: February 1, 2024. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government operates Tokyo Tourist Information Centers at five locations in the metropolitan area, providing practical advice along with the latest tourist information for visitors to the city.

    • head porter tokyo japan official website1
    • head porter tokyo japan official website2
    • head porter tokyo japan official website3
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  4. 2023年6月12日 · For up-to-date information on opening hours and further details please check the official website. It’s the news Harry Potter fans in Japan have been waiting for. Opening on June 16, 2023, you can now step into the magical world of Harry Potter and go behind the scenes at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo – The Making of Harry Potter.

  5. 2023年10月6日 · 5-20 Ueno-koen, Taito City, Tokyo. Updated: October 6, 2023. How to Get to the Heart of the Ueno Area. Ueno Park is at the heart of the Ueno area, which is part of Tokyo’s “shitamachi”—literally “downtown,” but more like “old heart of town.”

  6. 2023年3月20日 · Japanese Prefectural Tourism Promotion Corner. Updated: March 20, 2023. If you are looking to explore other areas of Japan during your stay, or simply be more informed about the country’s different prefectures, head to the Japanese Prefectural Tourism Promotion Corner.

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