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  2. 電話:04-24063799,傳真:04-24060960,公司所在地:臺中市大里區大元里夏元路6之3號. 營業項目:精密鑽石切割機,泛用型切割機,鑲埋成型機,研磨拋光機,材料檢測


  1. We demand very high standards of behavior and discipline from our students. Our teachers, who are chosen after a rigorous selection process, all have master’s and/or bachelor’s degrees from local or prestigious overseas universities, and many of them possess professional qualifications as well. In addition to this we constantly upgrade our ...

  2. Welcome to HKSC! Founded in 1959, Hong Kong School of Commerce has a teaching presence spanning over six decades in Hong Kong. Our individual premises in Tsim Sha Tsui is registered with the Education and Manpower Bureau.

  3. 本網提供了報讀商專的各項課程資料,包括會計、商業、工商管理、英語及科技資訊等。 由兼讀制至全日制的課程,助同學考取不同的專業資格及提升學歷,為將來的升學及事業發展提供更好的準備.

  4. ERB課程. 課程資料. 學費資助. 僱員再培訓局的通用技能課程及技能提升課程學費,乃根據學員獲編班時的收入狀況來釐定,並須提交課程開班日三個月內的入息文件以茲證明。 而學費類別主要分為下列三種情況: 申請豁免繳費資格 (失業人士 (包括待業及失學)及低收入人士 (每月入息*為$14,000或以下),申請高額資助學費資格 (每月入息*為$14001-$22,000的人士) ,需繳交一般資助學費 (每月入息*為$22,001或以上的人士) *入息是指從工作(包括受僱及自僱)中所賺取的工資及薪金﹑經營業務所得的淨收益及每月所得長俸。 受僱及自僱的入息包括底薪﹑逾時工作收入﹑花紅﹑佣金及津貼等,扣除法定的5%僱員強積金/公積金供款。

  5. CISI : Fundamentals of Financial Services. $ 2,500.00. This qualification is an important first step in developing the essential basic knowledge. required for working in financial services. It provides a broad overview of the industry. and could be your stepping stone to a career in financial services. The Package included:

  6. Certificate in Financial Services (Analysis of Financial Statements) (Part-time) 讓學員掌握分析財務報表的技巧,以了解公司財務狀況,包括各大產業分析、投資商品類型等資訊,加強學員在財經方面的專業知識,並能於日常工作上應用相關知識,為客戶介紹產品時提供分析資料。.

  7. 辦公室助理基礎證書 (全日制) 課程內容. 讓學員了解辦公室的運作和基本接待技巧,掌握文件交收及外勤工作的運作,認識檔案編排和郵務處理方法,協助學員入職為辦公室助理或相關工作。. 入學要求 (申請人必須是失業、待業或失學人士) 中三學歷程度,或小 ...

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