雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.hkjc.com › home › chinese香港賽馬會

    香港賽馬會堅定致力於提供平等透明的招聘平台,求職人士可按需要 經本會渠道 申請工作。. 本會絕不會向任何申請者索取任何款項。. 詐騙集團亦會以高薪工作機會作招徠,吸引求職者誤墮騙局。. 如收到任何可疑的工作徵求,請立即電郵 careers@hkjc.org.hk 與 ...

  2. 受網絡連線速度等因素影響,節目傳送略有延滯。. 投注時請注意實際截止投注時間。. ‧. 觀看時請使用Chrome或Safari以減少網絡延遲的時間。. ‧. 服務詳情請參閱 常見問題。. 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電顧客服務熱線1818或電郵至 customer.care@hkjc.org.hk。.

  3. 香港賽馬會提供賽馬、體育博彩娛樂及慈善公益資助。

  4. careers.hkjc.com › psc › cgxprdHKJC Careers

    View Latest Opportunities. Job Notifications. My Job Applications. Favorite Jobs.

  5. As Hong Kong advances from stability to prosperity, Hong Kong racing also plays a crucial role. View More. To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and betting entertainment, and Hong Kong's premier charity and community benefactor.

  6. Next Draw Number 24/119 Draw Date 07/11/2024 (Thursday) Stop Selling Time 9:15 PM Turnover $17,038,430 Jackpot / Snowball $1,610,674 Estimated 1st Division Prize Fund $

  7. The Hong Kong Jockey Club announced on 14 October the launch of a series of programmes and initiatives as part of a new campaign to mark its 140th anniversary. To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and betting entertainment, and Hong Kong's premier charity and community benefactor.

  8. 歐洲聯賽冠軍盃 - 深夜4:00 國際米蘭 vs 阿仙奴. 賽馬 05/11/2024. 騎師王 - 第8場開跑時截止受注。. 入場及投注人士須年滿十八歲,切勿沉迷賭博。. 賽馬 05/11/2024. 練馬師王 - 第8場開跑時截止受注。. 入場及投注人士須年滿十八歲,切勿沉迷賭博。. 賽馬 03/11/2024 ...

  9. Jockey Club launches campaign event series to celebrate 140th anniversary with the community. The Hong Kong Jockey Club announced today (14 October) the launch of a series of programmes and initiatives as part of a new campaign to mark its 140th anniversary.

  10. 賽馬資訊主頁提供最新的賽事資訊、賽馬新聞、賽事備忘、重點賽事資料、越洋轉播賽事資訊及馬場活動內容等等。

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